
2020-09-27   来源:英语名言

Love Is a Fallacy课后习题答案

Ⅱ. B. Questions on Structure and Style:

1. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate that logic, far from being a dry, pedantic subject, is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma. Logic may be an interesting subject. The writer is exaggerating for the sake of humor. The writer employs a whole variety of writing techniques to make his story vivid, dramatic and colorful. The lexical spectrum is colorful from the ultra learned terms used by the conceited narrator to the infra clipped vulgar forms of Polly Espy. He uses figurative language profusely and also grammatic inversion for special emphasis. The speed of the narration is maintained by the use of short sentences, elliptical sentences and dashes throughout the story. This mix adds to the realism of the story.

2. The topic sentence of paragraph 47 is : He was a torn man. The writer develops the idea expressed in the topic sentence by describing vividly how hard it is for Petey Burch to choose between his girlfriend and raccoon coat. Being very observant and superbly to illustrative examples to develop the theme, the writer successfully to brings forth the scene in which Petey Burch’s desire for the raccoon coat waxes and his resolution not to give his girlfriend wanes. The reader can easily come to the conclusion that it is hard and painful decision for him to make.

3. The narrator refers to Pygmalion and Frankenstein because just as Pygmalion loved the perfect woman he fashioned, the narrator loved Polly Espy, who he had fashioned according to his plan. However, when he begged Polly’s love, he was rejected. He got same result as Frankenstein, who created a monster that destroyed him. In this sense, these allusion are chosen aptly. The whole thing backfired on the narrator when Polly employed all the “logical fallacies” she had been taught to reject his offer. The end of story finds that the narrator has got what he deserves. He has been too clever for his own. 4. An example of simile

My brain was as powerful as dynamo,as precise as a chemist’s scales, as penetrating as a scalpel.(comparing his brain to three different things)(para. 1) An example of metaphor

There follows an informal essay that ventures even beyond lamb’s frontier.(comparing the limitation set by lamb to a frontier)(author’s note) An example of hyperbole

It is not often that one so young has such a giant intellect.(hyperbole for effect)(para. 2) An example of metonymy

Otherwise you have committed a Dicto Simpliciter.(Otherwise you have committed a logical fallacy called a “Dicto Simpliciter”.)(para. 70) An example of antithesis

It is, after all, easier to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than to make a ugly smart girl beautiful.(“beautiful, dumb and smart” are balanced against “ugly, smart and beautiful”)(para.24) 5. Colloquialisms and used in the text: dumb, pin-up, kid, go steady, date, casual kick, well-heeled, laughs, terrific, magnificent, mad, call it a night, yummy, fire away. Darn.

Slang used in the text: nothing upstairs, keen, dal, knock (oneself) out, dreamy, how cute,rat, knot head, jitterbug.

6.A freshman at a law school is made the narrator of the whole stroy. It’s from his point of view that the stroy is told. Since the whole stroy is presented as his personal experiences, we the readers tend to rely on what narrator tells us.

Ⅲ. Paraphrase

1. He is a nice enough young fellow, you know, but he is empty-headed.

2. A passing fashion or craze, in my opinion, shoes a complete lack of reason.

3. I ought to have known that raccoon coat would come back to fashion when the Charleston dance, which was popular in the 1920s, came back

4. All the important and fashionable men on campus are wearing them. How come you don’t know?

5. My brain, which is a precision instrument, began to work at a high speed. 6. Except for one thing (intelligence) polly had all other requirements.

7. She was not as beautiful as those girls in posters but i felt sure she would become beautiful enough after some time.

8. In fact, she was in the opposite direction, that is, she is not intelligent but rather stupid.

9. If you are no longer involved with her (if you stop dating her) others would be free to compete to get her as a girlfriend.

10. His head turned back and forth (looking at the coat then looking away from the coat). Every time he looked his desire for the coat grew stronger and his resolution not to give away polly become weaker.

11. To teach her to think appeared to be rather big task.

12. One must admit the outcome does not look very hopeful, but i decided to try one more time.

13. There is a limit to what any human being can bear.

14. I planned to be Pygmalion, to fashion an ideal wife for myself, but i turned out to be Frankenstein because polly(the result/product of my hard work) ultimately rejected me and ruined my plan.15. Desperately i tried to stop the feeling of panic that was overwhelming me.

Ⅳ. Practice with words and expressions


1. dynamo: a machine that changes some other form of power directly into electricity 2. flight : fleeing or running away from

3. Charleston: a lively dance in 4/4 time, characterized by a twisting step and popular during the 1920's

4. shed: cast off or lose hairlove,is,a,fallacy摘要。

5. in the swim: conforming to the current fashions or active in the main current of affairs 6. practice: the exercise of a profession of occupation (American colloquialism)designating a girl whose sexual attractiveness makes her a subject for the kind of pictures often pinned up on walls

8. makings: the material or qualities needed for the making or development of something

9. carriage: manner of carrying the head and body; physical posture bearing: way of carrying oneself; manner

10. go steady: (American colloquialism)date someone of the opposite sex regularly and exclusively; be sweethearts

11. out of the picture: not considered as involved in a situation 12. deposit: (facetious)put,lay or set down

13. brief: a concise statement of the main points of a law case, usually filed by counsel for the information of the court

14. 1et—up: stopping; relaxing




3.passion和eagerness均为名词。passion指一种强烈的愿望或感情,这种愿望或感情往往会产生一种不可抗拒的或者 必然的结果。eagerness意即“渴望”或“热情”,但往往含有不耐烦的意味。


5.reveal和show均为动词。reveal指公开或揭露某种秘密或隐蔽的东西,好像是揭开一种掩饰物似的。show指某种事物或者东西“展现”在眼前,以便能看得到和看得清。 6.tempt和incline均为动词。tempt意为“引诱”、“诱惑”,指一种强有力的诱惑,这种诱惑能克服对某一事物的顾忌或推断。incline意为“倾向于”、“有„的倾向”,指对某事物或行动或多或少表现出一种暖昧的心理倾向。 7.exasperation和disappointment均为名词。exasperation指使某人忍无可忍或者使某人失去自控力的强烈愤怒或生气。disappointment意为“失望”、“失意”,指某人对某件事情感到没希望或失去信心。


9.amusement和merriment均为名词。amusement意为“娱乐”、“消遣”,指一种令人愉快的精神消遣,尤其是某种幽默的事物或谈笑使人感到很有乐趣。merriment意为“愉快”、“欢乐”,指充满趣味和笑声的某种事物。 10.1anguish和suffer均为动词。languish指由于渴望而苦恼或遭受痛苦。suffer指由于伤害、悲痛或损失等原因而被迫遭受、蒙受痛苦或不愉快的事情。 C.

1.这几个词都是形容词,指人的智力或感觉等方面具有较高的灵敏性或灵活性。keen指在智力或感觉、视觉、听觉等五官方面是敏锐的或敏捷的,尤指具有解决复杂或疑难问题的特殊能力。 acute意为“敏锐的”,指具有观察到别人没有注意到的某种意义、感情、意见、颜色、音调等的细微差别的能力,也指具有某种非常敏锐的神经注意力,这种注意力持续的时间不长。 astute意为“敏锐的”、“精明的”、“聪明的”,指对某领域或某学科有很深的造诣或者有一定的体验的能力或洞察力。perspicacious在这些单词中最为正式的用词,强调具有高度的洞察力。 calculating意为“精明的”,“精于算计的”,尤指会打小算盘。 2.intelligent指具有善于从经验中学习或领会或对新事物迅速作出反应的能力。 clever意为“聪明的”,“伶俐的”,指善于理解、善于学习,但有时含有“不够深入”的意思。bright和smart比较口语化,一般可代替前面几个词中的任何一个。 brilliant意为“英明的”,指具有非凡的智力或理解力。


1. The fallacy of unqualified generalization or "a Dicto Simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid".

2. The fallacy of Hasty Generalization.

3. The fallacy of "post hoe, ergo propter hoc".

4. The fallacy of Hypothesis Contrary to Fact.

5. The fallacy of "post hoc, ergo propter hoe".

6. The fallacy of Ad Misericordiam.

7. The fallacy of unqualified generalization or "a Dicto Simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid".

8. The fallacy of Hasty Generalization.












love is a fallacy反讽意义的体现

At the beginning of story “love is a fallacy”, a description of the

narrator himself is full of praise: calm, precise, sharp, smart, intelligent, sensitive, tactful; in great contrast, followed by the description of his roommate Petty, which are almost negative words, such as empty mind, easily excited and emotional repeated, vulnerable, the pursuit of fashion, the lack of reason and so on. Petty pursuit fashion crazy and lack of rational, when faced with a choice between a raccoon coat and his

girlfriend Polly, he is just slightly struggle before he chose the raccoon coat. Thus, Dobby easily gets the right dating with Polly through his shrewd calculation and Petty’s “cooperate perfectly”.

In the eyes of Dobby, Polly pretty beautiful, gentle, but not smart

enough. It sounds like a more fair and objective appraise. However, more than in the pursuit of Polly "in essence is not driven by emotion", it's just let him to become “a successful lawyer” which one of the conditions.

Dobby believes that "to make a beautiful dumb girl smart than to make a smart ugly girl beautiful easier". In order to make Polly smart enough to achieve the standard of "successful lawyer wife", he spent five nights to teach her logic knowledge. Eventually made her eyes shone with a "light" of wisdom. Dobby is so thankful that his efforts are not in vain and

proudly believe that Polly will be his wife in his contented manner.

Everything seems to be going smoothly. Dobby is step by step closer to his anticipatory goal. But when he asked Polly to get steady with him,

Polly refused. And Polly makes full use of what they have learned "the logical fallacy" to dismiss Dobby’s declaration of love one by one. We see that Polly seems to become wiser shrewd and it makes Dobby who believes he is enough sharp, smart and confident feels unprepared and embarrassed. Dobby’s shrewd calculation also failed - ultimately Polly chooses Petty, just because Petty has a raccoon coat.

Conclusion, the descriptions of praise by narrator for himself and

degrading to Petty and Polly formed the strong sense of irony. Meanwhile, all kinds of repetition in the form of the "logical fallacy" and the

connotation differences make the same concept in different contexts also form a strong sense of irony, especially when Polly dismisses in a joking tone and Dobby explains the logic knowledge with a serious atmosphere forms a sharp contrast; at last, the funny and ridiculous ending also makes the article present a strong sense of irony effect.

Story USES the first-person narration, the narrator more than with

their own words and actions shaped self image, the other two characters while under more than vision, but Pettit and Polly each direct language expression still show that their subject position of independence and self-consciousness of free expression. Three people appeared in turn, since said the words, and made their judgment and choice of love.

Collisions between characters, the logic is quite ridiculous love

essentially the same as the logical fallacy, that is "false premise and thus

deduce the conclusion is necessarily fallacy".

Characters based on the "fallacy" love at the same time, also reveals the character in such aspects as emotional orientation and value judgment of fallacy: the pursuit of personal success by hook or by crook, pursuit vogue, covet material comforts of vanity...

Story characters and the author contrast in terms of emotional

standards and value judgments made articles shows deeper meaning: the irony "fallacy" is not only points to the character itself, more reflect the overall social reality at that time. University campus is often thought of as far away from the hubbub of a piece of pure land, and the pursuit of

personal success by hook or by crook, pursuing fashion craze and greed for material comforts a variety of fallacy has filled with the campus, you can imagine the whole social status at that time. Just teasing the author adopted the goodwill and the tone of euphemism to expose and criticize the contemporary American society value of false.

Love is a Fallacy 翻译

Love is a Fallacy


标签: 皮大衣 浣熊 波利 查尔斯 矛盾 分类: 别人的文章2008-04-12 10:02






年纪这么轻而智力又如此非凡的人并不常有。就拿在明尼苏达大学跟我同住一个房间的皮蒂·伯奇来说吧,他跟我年龄相哆‟经历一样,可他笨得像头驴。小伙子长得年轻漂亮,可惜脑子里却空空如也。他易于激动,情绪反复无常,容易受别人的影响。最糟的是他爱赶时髦。我认为,赶时髦就是最缺乏理智的表现。见到一 q9种新鲜的东西就跟着学,以为别人都在那么干,自己也就卷进去傻干——这在我看来,简直愚蠢至极,但皮蒂却不以为然。




















































“他照办了。衣领蒙住了他的耳朵,下摆一直拖到脚跟。他看起 来活像一具浣熊尸体。他高兴地说:“挺合身的。”










love is a fallacy英文赏析

The story was set in one of the Universities in the United States of America. Dobie, according to his own assessment, is a cool, logical, keen, calculating, perspicacious, acute and astute guy who wanted to have a girl named Polly. Polly was a beautiful, gracious, intelligent girl. Polly by then was dating the main character's roommate Petey. Petey was eager to have a raccoon coat so that he can be in the swim as the Big Men in campus. Dobie wanted to exchange the girl by giving him a raccoon coat. The narrator’s tone was humorous in the later story when he was hanging out with Polly and he thought he was excellent enough to date with Polly. Rather than being nothing upstairs and emotional type just like Petey, he taught Polly 8 logic fallacies in order to make her smart. However, it is a satire that the girl turn down Dobie’s request of being his girlfriend with the logical statement Dobie taught her. And it is also a satire that Polly finally received Petey’s love just because he had a raccoon coat.

The love relationship between the three characters is actually a fallacy itself. Dobie thought love was only to be a perfect guy so as to deserve a perfect girlfriend. After his great endeavor to perfect Polly to have a logic thinking, Polly got her acknowledge of love, that is follow her own desire. Petey thought he lost his lover when he accept Dobie’s raccoon coat, however, he was the last one to own Polly as he had a raccoon coat. All the three were given the result they hadn’t expected at first.

In my opinion, the funny story was exiting due to the wrong personal

value in campus and society. Petey was dying of being in the swim first. If he hadn’t had this thought or the school wouldn’t take library as a unnoticeable place, Dobie therefore couldn’t had the chance to get close to Polly while Petey could go steady with her from the beginning. We can also criticize the society of forming the value that lover is determined to be the wife in the later time. Or you could have the priority to choose someone since you are better than others in some area. Love is equal, and you have no right to reshape the girl or boy since you want to.


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