
2020-06-23   来源:经典禅语

proud of you 为你骄傲

proud of you 为你骄傲 Love in your eyes 你眼中的爱

Sitting silent by my side 就是静静地坐在我身边

Going on holding hands 一直牵着手 Walking through the nights 走过夜晚 Hold me up hold me tight 紧紧地抱着我 Lift me up to touch the sky 高高举起让我摸到天

Teaching me to love with heart 教我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮我打开心门 I can fly 我能飞翔……

I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的Till the end of the time 直到生命的最后一刻

Believe me I can fly 相信我,我能飞翔 I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能够飞而骄傲

To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的The heaven in the sky 空中的天堂 Stars in the sky 空中的星星

Wishing once upon a time 很久以前的愿望 Give me love make me smile 给我爱让我微笑

Till the end of life 直到生命的最后一刻 Hold me up hold me tight 紧紧地抱着我 Lift me up to touch the sky 高高地举起让我触摸着天

Teaching me to love with heart 教我如何用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮我打开心扉 I can fly 我能飞翔

I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能飞而骄傲 To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的 Till the end of the time 直到最后一刻 Believe me I can fly 相信我吧,我能飞翔 I'm proud that I can fly 我为自己能翱翔于空中而骄傲

To give the best of mine 奉献自己最珍贵的 The heaven in the sky 空中的天堂 Can't you believe that you light up my way 难道你不相信你照亮了我的道路

No matter how dark is my path 不论前路有多昏暗

I'll never lose my faith 我决不会放弃我的信念

See me fly 看我飞翔

I'm proud to fly up high 我骄傲的高高地向上飞

Show you the best of mine 将我最好的展示给你看

Till the end of the time 直到最后一刻 Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞 I'm singing in the sky 我在空中歌唱 Show you the best of mine 将最好的我展示给你

The heaven in the sky 空中的天堂 Nothing can stop me 没有什么能阻挡我 Spread my wings so wide 大大的张开我的翅膀

歌曲填词 proud of you


Proud Of You 歌词及翻译

《Proud Of You》

Love in your eyes 带着眼眸中的爱proud,of,you吉他谱。

Sitting silent by my side 默默坐在我身边

Going on Holding hand 渐渐拉着我的手

Walking through the nights 伴我穿过这黑夜

*Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我

Lift me up to touch the sky高举我去触碰蓝天

Teaching me to love with heart 教给我用心去爱

Helping me open my mind 帮助我打开心扉

I can fly 我会飞翔

I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的最美

Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔

I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲

To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部

The heaven in the sky* 那是天堂in the sky

Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰

Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样proud,of,you吉他谱。

Give me love Make me smile让我欢笑 给予我爱

Till the end of life 直到生命消逝

Repeat *

Can’t you believe that you light up my way 你可知道你照亮了我的道路 No matter how that ease my path 所以无论脚下的路有多么轻松 I’ll never lose my faith 我都不会丢掉信念

See me fly 来看着我飞翔

I’m proud to fly up high 飞翔让我如此自豪

Show you the best of mine 我要展现我的最美

Till the end of the time 直到时间的尽头

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔

I’m singing in the sky 我要在空中歌唱

Show you the best of mine 献给你我的最美

The heaven in the sky 那是天堂in the sky

Nothing can stop me 什么也不能阻止我

Spread my wings so wide 展开我的翅膀so wide

China_ I Am Proud of You(1)

China, I Am Proud of You!

Good morning / afternoon ladies and gentlemen,

It’s a great honor to present my speech here. First of all, please let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Yan. I am from Beijing Information Management School. The title of my speech is “China, I Am Proud of You!”proud,of,you吉他谱。

Before I start my speech, I want to ask you a question. What is your favorite season? I love autumn because it is a beautiful harvest season which brings us achievements and celebrations. I love the fallen leaves covering the ground with golden yellow. I love the deep and intense blue sky, which seems brighter than any other season. In autumn, I feel more alive because the season brings me hope. Yet this autumn is even more special and magnificent because we are welcoming the 60th birthday of our great nation!

Since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, great changes have been taking place gradually around us. We have observed significant progress in many fields such as our economy and culture. In the late 1970’s, the adoption of the Reform and Opening up policy marked a new stage of China. This allowed food and goods to become more than adequate. A larger quantity of cars and computers have become more accessible for ordinary families. Many new buildings have been built in cities, towns, and villages. Our present way of life has greatly improved compared to our country’s past way of life. China has evolved from an economically backward and socially unstable country; and has become one of the major world powers.

In China’s sixty-year history, there have been many big events that

remain in every Chinese’s heart. Some of them have been exciting, while others have been sorrowful. The year 2008 is an unforgettable year for the Chinese people because it brought us both joy and sorrow.

The 2008 Olympic Games was one of the big events in which we are very proud. It was a dream which all Chinese had expected for a hundred years that finally became reality. The opening ceremony was most impressive to me, as it reviewed the long history and brilliant culture of our country. The Games promoted the communication between China and other countries; and changed the attitude toward China that other countries once held.

Another event that shocked the whole world was the terrible earthquake which happened in Sichuan province. I am a Sichuan girl. It isn’t hard to imagine how astonished I was when I received the sad message. The whole nation was shocked just as I was. Facing the disaster, our nation became ever more united, and everyone tried their best to help the people in need. Young soldiers risked their lives to rescue people and treasure. Doctors and nurses worked day and night to save lives. Volunteers rushed to the front to assist others, regardless of various dangers that may occur any minute. Every Chinese donated money and materials to help the people in the disaster area rebuild their homes. After a year’s endeavor, the Sichuan people have been gradually recovering from the tragedy. People moved into new houses; students came back to the campus; and adults began working again. I am delighted to see smiles coming back to my local people’s faces as well as energy, and confidence. hope,

In the past sixty years, we have achieved remarkable success. We have also met a great deal of challenges and difficulties. However, history has proved the brilliant and diligent Chinese can conquer all difficulties and continue to make progress every year.

I love you, my Motherland! You are the root of my life, the power of my growth, and the anchor of my spirit! I’m proud of you for your picturesque rivers and trees! I’m proud of you for giving us your sweet spring water and rich resources! I’m proud of you for teaching me that I should have a backbone like a mountain and a heart like the ocean! I am sure that through the efforts of our whole nation, a better life and a more harmonious society are around the corner. Have you seen them? That’s the end of my speech. Thank you for listening!


1、 There can be too much truth in any relationships. 人与人之间,实话说得太多也会物极必反。 《唐顿庄园》

2、 "You are no different to the rest of us, remember that. 记住这点:你和别人没有任何不同。 《唐顿庄园》"

3、 我们都有伤疤,外在的或内在的,无论因为什么原因伤在哪个部位,都不会让你和任何人有什么不同。除非你不敢面对,藏起伤口,让那伤在暗地里发脓溃烂,那会让你成为一个病人,而且无论如何假装,都永远正常不了。 《唐顿庄园》

4、 We must all have our hearts broken once or twice before we're done. 人这一生啊,总要心碎一两次的。 《唐顿庄园》

5、 "There are rules to this way of life. And if you are not prepared live by them, then it's not the right life for you. 每种生活都有它自己的规矩。如果你不愿意守规矩,那么这种生活就不适合你。 《唐顿庄园》"

6、 "When something bad happens, there's no point in wishing it had not happened. The only option is to minimize the damage. 事情已经发生了,还希望事情不要发生没有意义,当务之急是减少损失。 《唐顿庄园》"

7、 I've decided to live in the present and not spend my life regretting the past or dreading the future. 我决定活在当下 不浪费生命为过去后悔或未来担忧。 ——Lady Mary 《唐顿庄园》

8、 "We shout and scream and wail and cry, but in the end we must all die. 不管经历怎样的大悲大喜,我们终究都会死去。 《唐顿庄园》"

9、 "I'n ready to travel ,and you're my ticket. 我已经准备好出发,而你就是我的旅票。 《唐顿庄园》"

10、 "You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. 有志者事竟成。有时虽然劳其筋骨,但是命运可以彻底改变。 《唐顿庄园》"

11、 "Well, I have to take one thing for granted: that I will love you, until the last breath leaves my body. 有件事我会视为理所应当:就是我会永远爱你,至死不渝。 《唐顿庄园》"

12、 The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end that's all there is. 人生就是不断收集回忆的过程,最终能陪伴我们的也只有回忆了 《唐顿庄园》

13、 好人不像巴士,十分钟就能等来一趟。 《唐顿庄园》

14、 Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it. Every ship is unsinkable until it sinks. 没有翻不了的山,也没有沉不了的船。 《唐顿庄园》

15、 It just happens. And we should live with it. 世事无常,我们要随遇而安。 《唐顿庄园》

16、 If you were the only girl in the world And I were the only boy Nothing else would matter in the world today We could go on loving in the same old way ——Downton Abbey 《downton abbey》

17、 Nothing makes you hungrier or more tired than grief. 化悲痛为食欲,化浆糊为力气. 《唐顿庄园》

18、 it's easy to be generous when you have nothing to lose. 《Downton Abby》

19、 "I'm proud of my heart.It's been played,burned...I'm proud of my heart.It's been played,burned,and broken,but it still works.我为自己的心感到骄傲.它曾受戏弄,曾经心焦,曾遭破碎,却依然鲜活跳动. 《唐顿庄园》"

20、 Does it ever get cold on the moral high ground? 你站在道德高地上就不嫌冷吗——老夫人 《downton abbey》

21、 "We all carry scars, Mr. Bates, inside or out. 贝茨先生,我们都有伤疤,无论是内伤还是外伤。 《唐顿庄园》"

22、 "Love is like riding, or speaking French. If you don't learn it young, it's hard to get the trick of it later. 爱,就好比骑马、说法语。如果没趁年轻学会爱,以后再想要抓住爱的诀窍就难了。 《唐顿庄园》"

23、 "you've lived your life and i've lived mine. and now it's time we lived them together. we'd been on the edge of this so many times,matthew. please don't take me there again unless you're sure. 《downton abbey》"

24、 "“——you have lived your life and I have lived mine . and now it is time we lived it together . ——we have been on the edge of this so many times , Matthew . please do not take me there again unless you are sure . —— I am sure . —— you must say it properly . I will not answer unless you kneel down and everything .—— will you 《唐顿庄园》"

25、 你站在道德高地上不冷吗 《唐顿庄园》

26、 "I keep forgetting she's gone.l see things in the paper that would make her laugh.l come inside to tell her that her favorite rose is in bloom.And then, suddenly 《唐顿庄园》"

27、 That I would never be happy with anyone else as long as you walked the earth. 只要你还活着,我和别人就不会幸福。 《唐顿庄园》


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