
2020-09-06   来源:英语试题



2016 · 03





1. Where are the speakers? A. At home.

2· What does the boy mean? A. Nancy has left the TV on. B. He forgot to turn off the TV.

C. Nancy remembered turning offthe TV. 3 · What does the woman advise the man to do? A. Go to the post office. A. Hardworking.

B. Call the post office. B. Dishonest.

C. Contact the mail carrier. C. Humorous.

4· Which word can best describe the man?

B.ln a restaurant.

C. In a hotel.


· What can we learn什om the conversation? A. The man is

unhappy. B. The woman is very helpful. C. Mr. Barkley is disappointed.



A. She is new


· Where are the woman's

B. At a private school.

children studying? A. At a school nearby.

7· What can we learn about the woman?



re. B. She works in a

school. 回二英语弟 页共

C. At a public school. C. She has lost her way. 7

8 10 o

8. What can we learn about Pamela? A. She must be the man's pet. B. She must be the man's friend.

C. She must be the man's daughter. 9. What did the man use to be? A. A doctor. B. A boss.

10. What is the man going to do? A. To board a train.

B. To get on an airplane.

11. What was the woman's original plan? A. To study in a law school. B. To work as a lawyer abroad.

C. To go abroad for further study.

12. Why did the woman change her mind? A. She found it was a trick to her. B. She found it unwise to go abroad.

C. She thought it would cost her too much. 13. What do the speakers decide to do? A. Keep in touch.

B. Have dinner today.

14. In what field does the woman want to work after graduation? A. Law. B. Medicine. 15. What does the man think is the key to one's success? A. Interest. B. Ambitions. 16. What can we learn about the woman? A. She hasn't found a job up to now. B. She has no ambition and feels down. C. She will accept her father's suggestion. O

17 20 o

18. Why did some parents gather at schools in Glasgow? A. To participate in school


17. What is the first news headline about? A. Street violence. B. Personal safety. C. A professor.

C. To catch the early bus.

C. Make a call tonight.

C. Management. C. A backup plan.

C. Student's health.

activities. B. To call for better primary education.

C. To prevent the close-down of schools. 19. What are the litter pickers doing? A. Collecting private rubbish. B. Having a one-day break.

C. Cleaning up after themselves.

20. Which teams will play in the European Cup Final?

A. AC Milan and Barcelona. B. Barcelona and Liverpool.

C. Liverpool and AC Milan.

21. Different cultural features of ethnic groups are one another and work out a melody. A. in tune with B. in parallel with C. in contrast to D. in response to


22. an increase in foreign legal conflicts, China?is expected to see the

number continue to rise. A. To witness B. Being witnessed

C. Witnessed D. Having witnessed

ware-houses and a few other dated office buildings.

A. achievement

B. reputation

C. character

D. standard

23. At the end of the historic area, Wilmington displayed itsas a working port city: large

24. — Do you think I'm a good surfer?

— Of course! Iyou earlier. You made it look so easy, graceful even.

A. am watching B. was watching C. have watched D. had watched 25. So far, only one man hasa theory that seems to fit all the facts.

A. come up with B. put up withC. lined up with D. caught up with 26. — Your car should be ready next Tuesday.

— We were hoping you'd be able to do it by this Friday.

D. even

A. still B. rather C. always

27. Many thought that after starring in the immensely popular drama, Nirvana in Fire, Hu Ge


and actively seek new roles.

A. make a mountain out of a molehill C. strike while the iron is hot

B. have too many irons in the fire

D. put the cart before the horse



28. We work during the week, but weekends and evenings are usually A. vacant

B. casual C. empty D. clear

29. Passion is passion and it doesn't matter

it's directed. Exactly, it can be coins or sports or


A. why B. how C. whether

D. where

30. Different tastes among tourists from outside the

mainlandthe list of the country's attractions. A. top B. shape C. lead D. show

31. It wasn't easy having my friends talk about their freshman yearsI wasn't a part of.

A. whom

B. when

C. that

D. what

32. The desk thatclean so I could do homework was always

surrounded with bowls of bad milk, old magazines and so on.

A. may have been B. would have been C. must have been D. should have been 33. He whether to set aside the minor differences, then he did.

A. debated

B. predicted

C. plotted D. calculated

34. How could I lie to her she lived for the truth, whether it was found in music or people?

A. unless B. when C. while D. though

35. —- Mum, look at my shoes. I need a new pair.

. I bought them for you only a week ago!

A. You bet B. You said it C. You don't say

D. You name it


Human growth is a process of experimentation, trial, and error eventually leading to wisdom. Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action, you can never quite be certain how the situation will 36

Sometimes you are victorious, and sometimes you become disappointed. The 37 experiments, however, are no less valuable than the experiments that finally prove successful; in fact, you 38 learn more from your "failures" than you do from your 39 . If you have made what you think to be a mistake or failed to live up to your own 40 you will most likely put up a barrier between your essence and the part of you that is the alleged (F 7/?fik

J) wrong-doer.


However, viewing past actions as 41 implies guilt and blame, and it is not possible to learn you are severely judging yourself. Forgiveness is the act of erasing an 43 debt. There are four kinds of forgiveness.

The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself.

The second of forgiveness is beginner forgiveness for another.

The third kind of forgiveness is 44 forgiveness of yourself. This is for serious misbehaviors, the ones you carry with deep 45 . When you do something that violates your own values and principles, you create a gap between your standards and your actual 46

In such a case, you need to work very hard at 47 yourself for these deeds so that you can close this gap. This does not 48 that you should rush to forgive yourself or shouldn't feel regret, 49 taking pleasure in these feelings for a prolonged period of time is not healthy. The 50 and perhaps most difficult one is the advanced forgiveness of another.

At some time of our life, you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems 51

However, harboring anger and revenge fantasies only keeps you 52 in victimhood. Under such a circumstance, you should force yourself to see the bigger picture. By so doing, you will be able to 53 the focus away from the anger and resentment.

It is only through forgiveness that you can erase wrongdoing and 54 the memory. When you can 55 release the situation, you may come to see it as a necessary part of your growth. 36. A. turn out B. turn up C. break up D. break out

37.A. important

B. engaged

C. failed

D. successful

38. A. obviously B. necessarily C. continuously 39. A. success B. failureC. fault D. benefit 40. A. ability B. expectations experiments

D. fantasies

D. usually


B. victories C.

C. belief D. experienceseasy前加a。

42. A. Still B. Therefore C. Instead D.

However emotionalD. unusual 44. A. ordinary 45. A. wisdom

46. A. thought

absurd B. original C.

B. advanced C. alternative D. certain

B. mercy C. injury D. shame

B. approach C. behavior D. purpose

. punishing 48. A. mean

B. forgiving B. prove

C. blaming C. reflect

D. praising D. represent

D. so

A. and B. or C. but 50. A. uncertain B. premier C. next D. last

51. A. essential B. valuable C. impossible D. unavoidable 52. A.trapped B. located C. lost D. occupied 53. A. drive

B. drag C. put


D. shift




发布:2011-09-06 | 作者: | 来源: zhoumingdu | 查看:291次 | 用户关注: 第一部分:关于EASY-A1600N简要介绍EASY-A1600N功能:接收任意分度号的热电偶输入;内置可编程增益放大器,可用梯形图控制;AD采样12位精度;内置mV(毫伏)---T(温度)非线性转换函数,转换特性由梯形图指定;指令和通信均兼容FX2N,因此与人机界面、组态软件及FX2N可以高效连接;双排显示功能,用梯形图进行显示控制:如代码显示、数值显示;支持CAN总线,可作为CAN主站或从站;下辖CAN网络,上接计算机(RS232);EASY-A1600N硬 第一部分:关于EASY-A1600N简要介绍 EASY-A1600N功能:


内置可编程增益放大器,可用梯形图控制; AD采样12位精度;


指令和通信均兼容FX2N,因此与人机界面、组态软件及FX2N可以高效连接; 双排显示功能,用梯形图进行显示控制:如代码显示、数值显示;


EASY-A1600N硬件对应的控制说明: 1、外接输入通道对应的软件资源:

通道软资源通道软资源通道软资源通道软资源 AI00D5000AI04D5004AI08D5008AI12D5012 AI01D5001AI05D5005AI09D5009AI13D5013 AI02D5002AI06D5006AI10D5010AI14D5014 AI03D5003AI07D5007AI11D5011AI15D5015


显示模式: 两种模式

模式0 (MODE_FLAG=0) 模式1 (MODE_FLAG=1)

模式切换方法:同时按下FUN,UP,DOWN键5秒。 模式0:编程显示模式: 显示方式控制字:D5195

D5195_b15=0,按以下方式进行显示。 模式0的四种显示方式


上排数码管显示方式 内容 下排数码管显示方式内容

十进制方式(b3b2=00):0 D5196 十进制方式(b1b0=00):0D5198

十六进制方式(b3b2=01):1 D5196 十六进制方式(b1b0=01):1D5198

代码方式(b3b2=10):2 D5196,D5197 代码方式(b1b0=10):2D5198,D5199 保持以前方式(b3b2=11):3 保持以前方式(b1b0=11):3



当用代码方式显示时,其控制位与各段对应关系如下: 视窗码段设定:


码段 h1 g1 f1 e1 d1 c1 b1 a1 h2 g2f2 e2 d2 c2 b2 a2

D5196 b15 b14 b13b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 码段 h3 g3 f3 e3 d3 c3 b3 a3 h4 g4f4 e4 d4 c4 b4 a4

D5197 b15 b14 b13b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


码段 h1 g1 f1 e1 d1 c1 b1 a1 h2 g2f2 e2 d2 c2 b2 a2

D5198 b15 b14 b13b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 码段 h3 g3 f3 e3 d3 c3 b3 a3 h4 g4f4 e4 d4 c4 b4 a4

D5199 b15 b14 b13b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

当对应位为0时,对应码段点亮;当对应位为1时,对应码段熄灭。 D5195_b15=1,以固有显示模式显示数据。 固有显示模式,此处略。











本例对AD值不进行梯形图滤波,而直接调用温度转换函数,转换后的温度存放在D10-D25的寄存器中,带有一位小数。如120.4度,寄存器中内容为K1204。 EASY-A1600N适用于慢信号采集,每通道采集时间为82 ms,因此全程采样时间为18*82=1476 ms 。


本例将编程口留给人机界面或组态连接连接,而用串口1按照计算机链接方式协议用VB示例将PLC与计算机进行连接。 计算机与PLC通信提供的是一个读写程序。


收藏此信息 打印该信息 添加:用户发布 来源:未知


第一部分:关于EASY-A1600N简要介绍 EASY-A1600N功能:


内置可编程增益放大器,可用梯形图控制; AD采样12位精度;

内置mV(毫伏)---T(温度)非线性转换函数,转换特性由梯形图指定; 指令和通信均兼容FX2N,因此与人机界面、组态软件及FX2N可以高效连接; 双排显示功能,用梯形图进行显示控制:如代码显示、数值显示;

支持CAN总线,可作为CAN主站或从站;下辖CAN网络,上接计算机(RS232); EASY-A1600N硬件对应的控制说明: 1、外接输入通道对应的软件资源:easy前加a。


显示模式: 两种模式

模式0 (MODE_FLAG=0) 模式1 (MODE_FLAG=1) 模式切换方法:同时按下FUN,UP,DOWN键5秒。 模式0:编程显示模式:


D5195_b15=0,按以下方式进行显示。 模式0的四种显示方式


当用十进制显示时,若显示内容为D5196的绝对值,若绝对值超出9999,则显示9999。 当用代码方式显示时,其控制位与各段对应关系如下: 视窗码段设定:







2015-2016年度秋季学期期末(2016.2) 大学英语(二)






1. _______ with the size of the whole earth , the highest mountain does not seem high at all.

A. When compared C. While comparing

2. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it ________ in Cuba.

A. being cultivated C. been cultivated

3. Who would you rather _______ with you, George or me﹖ A. going

4. Water is _______ to the growth of crops. A. absolute C. moderate

5. You ______ all those calculations ! We have a computer to do that sort of

B. special D. essential

B. to go

D. went

C. have gone

B. having cultivated D. cultivating

B. Compare D. Comparing


A. needn't have done

6. The accident _______ the death of two passengers A. resulted from C. resulted of

7. We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what their forefathers ______ for the nation.

A. did

8. ----- My God! I have to walk home now, for I just missed the bus. ----- That's too bad. You ______it had you set out a bit earlier. A. should have caught. C. would have caught.

9. I have not heard anything from him since his _______. A. departure C. foundation

10. All _______ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A. what is needed

11. More and more students are ________ this modern type of instruction A. resulting from

12. It is essential that these application forms ________ back as early as possible.

A. must be sent C. are sent

B. will be sent D. be sent

B. figuring out D. bringing up

C. benefiting from

B. for our needs D. that is needed

C. the thing needed

B. fault D. acceptance

B. had caught D. could catch

B. were doing D. have been doing

C. had done

B. resulted in D. resulted with

B. must not have done D. can not have done

C. shouldn't have done

13. He suggested the sports meet be _______because of the bad weather. A. put away C. put down

14. -What's your problem ?

- I have lost sight of my mum and dad . I saw them ________ in front of me a moment ago.

A. were walking C. walk

15. More than one teacher _______told him it is important that he learn English well if he _______abroad.

A. had; will go

二、 阅读理解(共10小题,每题3分,共计30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项,将答案填写在“客观题答题纸”上,否则成绩无效。

B. put up D. put off

B. to have walker D. walking

B. has; wants to go D. have; shall go

C. has; want to go

Passage A

In any countries there is a fixed charge for personal services. A certain percentage may be added to the hill at a hotel or restaurant "for the service". In other places the customer may be expected to give a tip, or a small amount of money, as a sign of appreciation whenever services are performed. In the United States there is no consistent practice in regard to tipping. The custom is more common in a large city than in a small town. A native American may often be in doubt about when and how much to tip when he is in a city that is strange to him. In general, however, a tip is expected by the porter who carries your baggage, by taxi drivers (except, perhaps, in small town), and by those who serve you in hotels and restaurants.

When you pick up your incoming luggage at an airport, you may tip the man who takes it to the taxi or airport bus. He usually expects 35cents a bag for his service. In come cities the taxi that take you to your hotel may have one meter that shows the cost of the trip and another that shows a fixed charge, usually about 20 cents, for "extra". In some cities the taxi driver may expect a tip in addition to the "extra", especially if he carries your suitcase. If no "extra" is charged, a tip is usually given.

Hotels generally do not make a service charge, though there are places where one is added. It is customary, however, to give something to the porter who carries your suitcases and shows you to your room. In case of doubt, 35 cents for each bag he carries is satisfactory. In a restaurant you generally leave about 15 percent of the bill in small change on that table as a tip for the person who has serves you. A service charge is generally not included except in some of the larger, more expensive places. If the order is small - a cup of coffee at a lunch counter, or something of the sort - a tip is not usually expected.

16. According to the passage, the practice of giving tips A. is consistent throughout the world. B. varies from place to place in the USA. C. is consistent in large towns in the USA. D. is consistent in small towns in the USA.

17. According to the passage, the following are the people one may tip EXCEPT

A. porters. B. taxi drivers. C. waiters. D. cleaners.

18. According to the passage, which of the following is INCORRECT? A. "Extra" is a fixed charge in some cities. B. "Extra" is similar to a tip in some cases. C. If the "extra" is paid, one doesn't tip and more. D. Some hotels require people to pay a service charge.

19. According to the passage, the amount of money for a tip A. is the same across restaurants and hotels. B. depends on how much one pays for his meal.

C. generally varies according to the size of one's bag in hotel. D. is usually small for a cup of coffee at a lunch counter.





I . Listening Comprehension (略)

Ⅱ. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

25. Lending him money would be equivalent, in my opinion, _______ throwing it away.

A. by B. from C. on D. to

26. Many of the pianos made by Steinway & Sons Company in Germany, especially ______ made during its “golden period”, are valued at several at million dollars.



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