
2020-03-12   来源:励志短语


给......带来机遇和挑战 present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to

2. 给......带来积极影响 bring a more positive impact on

3. 给予财政资助 support financially

4. 有巨大潜力 have huge potential for

5. 开发 / 青睐中国市场 tap / favor the Chinese market

6. 申请专利 apply for a patent

7. 阻碍......的经济发展 handicap (hamper) the economic development

8. 增加农业投入 invest more in agriculture

9. 有望达到(上升到) be expected to reach (rise to, be up to)

10. 造成很大压力 pose a big pressure on

11. 占领市场10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market

12. 缩小.....间的距离 narrow the gap between

13. 加快经济发展和结构调整 speed up economic development and restructuring

14. 夺回失去的市场 take back lost market

15. 减轻......的负担 reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)

16. 采取反垄断措施 take anti-monopoly measures to

17. 加快努力 speed up efforts to

18. 在......建立分公司 set up branches in

19. 促进改革 promote reform

20. 面对可能的压力和竞争 face possible pressure and competition

21. 充分利用 make full use of

22. 把......列为基本国策 list…..as fundamental national policies

23. 发挥自身优势 give full play to one’s advantages

24. 开拓市场 exploit markets

25. 扩大消费市场 expand consumption market

26. 改善投资环境 improve the environment for investment

27. 加强风险防范 prepare oneself against possible risks

28. 扩大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor

29. 为......提供巨大商机 present huge business opportunities

30. 快速稳定增长 grow fast and steadily

31. 让......处于同一起跑线 put… on the same platform and at the same starting point

32. 赶超先进 surpass the advanced

33. 遵循市场经济的规律 follow the law of market economy

34. 根据市场作出调整 gear ourselves to the market orientation

35. 牟取暴利 seek excessive profits

36. 做好充分准备 make good preparations for

37. 对......造成/构成威胁 form /pose a threat to…

38. 和......合作 cooperate with

39. 和......进一步合作 further cooperation with

40. 提高公务员工资 raise the salaries of civil servants

41. 计算出准确的工资水平 figure out an exact salary level

42. 和......有合作关系 have cooperative ties with

43. 从国外引进先进技术 introduce from abroad the advanced technology

44. 优胜劣汰 select the superior and eliminate the inferior

45. 保证下岗职工的基本生活 guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers

46. 取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes (ban illegal earnings)

47. 深化改革 deepen the reform

48. 控制通货膨胀 control inflation (keep inflation under control)

49. 让位于竞争需要 give way to the need for competition

50. 向...投资巨额资金 invest huge amounts of money into

专机 charter flight

载人航天任务 manned space mission

医学隔离 medical quarantine

数字鸿沟 digital divide

双休日 two-day weekend

特色优势产业 industries with local advantages

天灾人祸 natural calamities and man-made misfortune

贴小广告的人 bill sticker

同城待遇 identical treatment

筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment building

团购 group buying

无偿献血 unpaid blood donation

五好家庭 Five-Virtues Family

西部大开发 western development strategy

下岗职工 unemployed workers and staff;laid-off employees

下基层锻炼 temper oneself in a grassroots unit

乡长 township head


status statistics 有关居民阶级构成的统计资料

surplus labor 剩余劳动力

surrogate birth 代孕

tax evasion 偷税漏税

tough policy 强硬政策

tracking survey 跟踪调查

trial marriage 试婚

walking commuter 走班族

yard sale 庭院旧货出售

zero-sum game 零和博弈

access to information and political participation 信息流通和参与政治的机会

anti-poverty funds 扶贫基金

assessment team 评估小组

ballot box 投票箱

bedrock of security and stability 安全与稳定的基础


中国人民大学 RUC (Renmin University Of China)


对外直接投资 FDI (Foreign Direct Investment)

泛太平洋伙伴关系 TPP (Trans-pacific Partnership)

经济合作和发展组织 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) 托福考试 TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language )

损失惨重 suffer great losses

52. 制造假象 create smoke screens to do

53. 陷入困境 land oneself in deep trouble

54. 吸引外商投资 attract foreign investment

55. 抓住机遇 seize opportunities

56. 适应......的发展 adapt oneself to the development of

57. 被指控接受贿赂 be accused of accepting bribes

58. 和......达成(签订)协议 reach(sign) an agreement with

59. 促进地区间的合作 promote regional cooperation

60. 退还大量钱款 give back an amount of money

61. 举报非法行为 disclose any illegal activities

62. 筹集足够的资金 raise enough funds

63. 采取不同的办法 adopt various methods

64. 承担风险 bear (take) risk

65. 创收外汇 earn foreign exchange (currency)

66. 活跃市场 enliven the market

67. 造成损失 cause a loss to

68. 十分重视 attach importance to

69. 制订......法律 make a law of (to)

70. 大力发展 strive to develop

71. 提高居民生活 improve residents’ standard of living

72. 提高管理水平 raise the management level

73. 加强管理 reinforce the management

74. 完善服务 perfect services

75. 刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand

76. 打破垄断 break the monopoly

77. 加快竞争步伐 accelerate the competition

78. 为当地人带来多种经济和社会效益 bring multiple economic and social benefits to the local people

79. 优先发展公共运输 give priority to the development of public transportation

80. 调整产业结构 adjust the industrial structure



a good many相当多,很多 a great dea l of许多,大量 a great many相当多,很多 a series of一系列,一连串 above all 首先,尤其是 add up to合计达

after all毕竟,终究 ahead of在…前

all at once突然,忽然;同时,一起 all but几乎,差不多;除了……都 all of a sudden突然 all over到处,遍及 all the time一直,始终 allow for考虑到 and so forth等等 and so on等等

anything but根本不

apart from除……之外(别无)

as a matter of fact事实上,其实 as a result(作为)结果

as a result of作为……的结果 as far as 远至;到……程度

as far as … be concerned 就……而言 as follows如下 as for至于,关于 as if 好像,仿佛

as long as只要,如果,既然,由于 as regards 关于,至于 as though 好像,仿佛 as to至于,关于

as usual像平常一样,照例 as well同样,也,还

as well as 除……之外(也),既……又 ask after探问,问候 at a time每次,一次

at all (用于否定句)丝毫,一点

at all cost 不惜任何代价,无论如何 at best充其量,至多 at first最初,起先

at first sight乍一看,初看起来 at heart内心里,本质上

at intervals不时,每隔……时间 at length最终,终于

at most至多,不超过

at once 既马上,立刻;同时,一起 at one time曾经,一度;同时 at present目前,现在

at sb.' s disposal 任…处理,供…使用 at the cost of以…为代价

at the mercy of任凭…的摆布,完全受…的支配

at the moment此刻,目前

at the same time同时;然而,不过 at times有时,间或

back and forth来回地,反复地 back up倒退;支持 be about to刚要,即将

be made up of由…组成,由…构成 bear in mind记住 because of由于,因为 before long不久以后

beside point离题的,不相干的

beyond question毫无疑问,确定无疑 break away突然离开,强行逃脱 break down损坏 break in闯入,插嘴 break into强行闯人 break off中止,中断

break out爆发,突然出现;使逃走 break through突围,突破 break up打碎,终止,结束 bring about导致,引起 bring down打倒;降低 bring forward提出,提议

bring into effect实行,生效,起作用 bring into operation实施,使生效,使运行

bring out出版,推出;使显出 bring up教育,培养

build up 逐步建立;增进;积聚 but for倘没有,要不是 by accident偶然下基层短语。

by all means尽一切办法,务必 by chance偶然,碰巧 by far最,…得多 by hand用手,用体力

by means of用,依靠

by mistake自动地,无意中(做了错事) by no means决不,并投有 by oneself单独地,独自地 by the way顺便地,附带地说说 by virtue of借助,由于

by way of经过,经由;通过…的方法 call for邀约;要求,需要 call off取消

call on访问,拜访

call up打电话;召集;使人想起 can not help禁不住,忍不住 capable of有……能力,能……的 care for照顾,照料,喜欢 carry off拿走,夺走 carry on继续

carry out执行,贯彻

cast/throw light on/upon阐明某事,使人了解某事

catch fire着火,烧着 catch sb's eye引人注目 catch sight of看到,发现 catch up with赶上 check in办理登记手续

check out结帐离去,办妥手续离去 cheer up高兴起来,振作起来 clear away把……消除掉,收拾 clear up放晴,清理

come into operation实行,生效

come on(表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧; 进步,发展;发生;开始 come out出现;出版,发表;结果是 come to苏醒;总数为 come true实现

compare…to 把…比作 count on依靠,指望

count up总计,算出……的总数 cover up掩盖,掩饰

cut across 抄近路穿过,对直通过 cut back急忙返回;削减,缩减 cut down削减,减少 cut in插嘴;打断;超车 cut off切断,阻断 cut out割去,删去 cut short中断,打断

deal with处理;论述,涉及

do away with废除,去掉 do one's best尽力,努力

do without没有……也行,将就 draw on动用,利用;吸,抽(烟) draw up起草,制订;(使)停住

drop by/in顺便来访,非正式访问

drop off睡着;下车,把…放下;下降,减少 drop out退出,退学 due to由于,因为

enjoy oneself得到乐趣,过得快活 even if虽然,即使 even though即使

every now and then时而,偶尔 every other每隔一个的 except for除了……外 face to face面对面地 face up to大胆面向

fall back on求助于,转而依靠 fall behind落后

fall in love with爱上 fall through失败,落空 far from远非,远离 feel like想要

figure out计算出,想出 fill in填写 fill out填写

find fault(with)抱怨,找岔子 find out查明,发现 for ever永远 for good永久地

for instance例如,比如 for the better好转

for the moment暂时,目前

for the sake of为了,为了…的利益 for the time being眼下,暂时 from time to time有时,不时

gain an advantage over胜过,优于 get across(使)被了解,(使)讲清楚 get along前进,进展

get at够得着,触及;意思是 get by通过,过得去;过活 get down to开始,着手

get in进入,参加;收获;插入(话) get off (从……)下来;逃脱惩罚 get on 骑上(马,自行车等),


get on with与…友好相处;继续干 get out离开;取出,除去

get over从(疾病,失望,震惊等)中恢复过来;

克服(困难);解决(问题) get rid of摆脱,除去;处理掉 get the best of战胜

get the better of战胜;占上风

get through 完成;度过(时间);花光(金钱);


get together开会,见面;装配,组织 give away赠送;泄露

give in 认输,屈服;交上,呈上 give off 释放,放出 give out分发

give rise to 引导,导致 give up 停止,放弃;辞去 give way让路,让步

give way to 被…代替;给…让路 go after追求

go ahead开始,进行

go along with赞同,支持 go back on 背叛;违背 go by(时间)过去;遵守 go down下降;减少

go in for参加(比赛等);爱好(某 种业余活动);从事于 go off 离开;爆炸

go on 继续;进行;发生 go over 检查,审查

go through 穿过;检查;被通过,被批准 go up 增长;上升

go without不享受,没有…而将就 go wrong出错;发生故障,出毛病 had better 应该,还是…好 had rather 宁愿…(而不愿) hand down把……传下去 hand in 交上,递上

hand in hand 手拉手;同时并进地 hand on把……传下去 hand out分发,散发 hand over交出,移交 hang about闲荡,闲呆着

hang on 等待片刻;抓住不放;取决于

hang on to/onto 紧紧抓住 hang up挂断(电话)

have an advantage over胜过,优于

have nothing to do with和……毫无关系 have (something) to do with和…有(点)关系

head for(使)朝…行进,(使)走向 head on 迎面,正面地

heart and soul全心全意地;完全地 help oneself自用,自取(食物) hold back踌躇,退缩不前;阻挡, 阻止……发展;保守(秘密),隐瞒 hold on握住不放;等一会 hold out伸出;坚持,不屈服 hold up 延迟;展示,举出 how about(你觉得)……怎样 if only要是……多好;只要 in a hurry匆忙,急于

in a moment立即,马上,一会儿

in a sense从某种程度上,从某一点上看 in a word简言之,总之,一句话 in accordance with与…一致,根据 in addition另外,加之 in addition to 除……之外 in advance 预先,事先 in all 总共,合计

in any case 无论如何,不管怎样 in any event无论如何,不管怎样 in brief简单地说

in case 假设,以防万一

in case of假如,如果发生;防备 in charge of负责,主管 in common 共同的,共有的 in consequence因此,结果

in consequence of由于,因为…的缘故 in debt欠债,欠情 in detail详细地

in difficulty处境困难 in effect实际上,事实上 in fact实际上,其实 in favor of支持,赞成

in front of面对,在……前面 in future今后,从今以后 in general一般说来,大体上 in honor of为庆祝,为纪念

in itself本质上,就其本身而言

in line with与…一致,与…符合 in memory of纪念

in no case无论如何不,决不 in no time立即,马上 in no way决不

in order to为了(做某事) in order that目的在于,为了 in other words换句话说 in particular特别,尤其 in person亲自,本人 in place在合适的位置

in place of代替,取代,交换 in practice在实践中,实际上 in proportion to与……成比例 in public公开地,当众 in quantity大量

in question正在谈论的

in relation to有关,与…相比 in return 作为报答

in return for作为(对…的)报答 in short总之,简言之 in spite of不顾,不管

in tears流着泪,在哭着 ‘

in the course of在…期间,在…过程中 in the end最后,终于

in the event of如果……发生,万 in the face of不顾,即使;在…前面 in the first place第一,首先 in the future在将来

in (the) light of鉴于,由于 in time及时

in turn依次地,轮流地;转而,反过来 in vain徒然,白费力 instead of代替,而不是

just now现在,眼下;刚才,才不久 keep in mind记住

keep off(使)不接近,(使)让开 keep on继续,反复地做

keep pace(with)(与…)齐步前进,(与…)并驾齐驱

keep to遵守,信守;坚持

keep up(使)继续下去,(使)不停止;坚持,保持

keep up with跟上

knock down击倒,撞倒

lay aside把……搁置一旁;留存,储存

lay down放下;规定,制订 lay off (临时性)解雇

lay out安排,布置;摆出,展开 learn by heart记住,背诵

leave alone让独自呆着;不打扰 leave behind忘了带;遗留,留下 leave off停止,中断 leave out遗漏,省略 let alone更别提;不打扰 let down放下,降低;使失望 let off排放;放过,宽恕 line up排成行,排队

little by little一点点地,逐渐地 live on(靠…生活,维持生命;留在人们记忆中

live through度过,经受住

live up to 遵守,实践(诺言等);符合,辜负(期望等)

look after照料,关心

look down on/upon看不起,轻视 look forward to 盼望;预料 look into调查,观察 look on观看,旁观 look out注意,留神

look up(在词典等中)查检 lose heart丧失信心

lose one’s head慌乱,仓皇失措 lose one’s temper发脾气,发怒 lose sight of忘记,忽略

make for走向,朝……前进;导致,促成 make friends交朋友 make fun of取笑,嘲弄 make out写出,开出;辨认出;理解,了解 make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 make sure 查明,弄确实;务必 make the best of充分利用

make the/a difference有影响,起作用 made the most of充分利用

make up 组成,构成;捏造;补充;化妆 make up for补偿;弥补

make up one’s mind下决心,打定主意 make use of使用,利用 many a许多的

may as well还不如,不妨

mix up 搅匀,拌和;混淆,弄乱 more or less或多或少,有点儿

neither…nor既不…也不,既非…也非 never mind不用担心,不要管 next door隔壁的,在隔壁 no doubt很可能,无疑

no less than多达;恰好,正是 no longer不再,已不

no matter how(what、when、etc.)无论怎样

no more不再

no more than至多;和…一样不 no sooner…than刚…便,一…就 none other than不是别的,正是 not only…but(also)不但…而且 nothing but只是,只不过 now and then时而,偶尔 now that既然,由于 of course当然,自然

off and on断断续续地,间歇,有时 off duty下班

on a large scale大规模地 on a small scale小规模地 on account of因为,由于

on an/the average平均,通常 on behalf of代表,为了 on board在船(车、飞机)上 on business因公,因事 on condition that如果 on duty当班,值班 on earth究竟,到底 on fire起火,着火 on foot步行

on guard 站岗,值班 on hand在场,在手边

on one’s own独立,靠自己力量;独自地 on purpose 故意,有意 on sale出售;廉价出售 on schedule按时间表,准时

on second thoughts经重新考虑,继而想 on the contrary正相反

on the grounds of根据,以…为理由 on (the) one hand一方面 on (the) other hand另一方面 on the point of即将……的时候 on the spot在场,到场;马上,当场 on the whole总的来说,大体上 on time准时

once again 再一次

once (and)for all一劳永逸地,永远地 once in a while偶尔 once upon a time从前 one another相互 or else否则,要不然 or so大约

other than不同于;除了 out of breath喘不过气 out of control失去控制 out of date过时的,不用的

out of order不正常的,出故障的

out of place不在合适位置的,不适当的 out of practice久不练习,荒疏 out of sight看不见,在视野之外 out of the question毫无可能的 out of touch不联系,不接触 over and over一再地,再三地 pass away去世 pass on传授,传递 pay attention to注意

pay off还清;取得成功,得到好结果 pick out辨认出,分辨出;选出,挑出 pick up拿起,拣起;带走,搭乘;获得, 学会;好转,改进,增加(速度) piece together拼合

pay a part(in) (在…中)扮演角色, 参与(…),(在…中)起作用 point out指出

prior to 在…之前

pull down拆毁;拉下,降低

pull in (车)停车,进站,(船)到岸 pull off 脱(衣、帽等)

pull out提出,取出,抽出;(车、船等)驶出

pull up (使)停下

put across 解释清楚,说明 put aside储存,保留 put away放好,收好

put down记下,放下;镇压,平定 put forward提出

put into effect实行,生效,起作用 put into practice实施,生效 put off推迟,推延;阻止,劝阻

put on 穿上,戴上;上演;增加(体重) put out熄灭,关(灯);分布;发布;伸出;生



1.(2012·汕头调研)仿照下面的示例,另写两句话,要求内容贴切,句式与示例相同。(6分) 平凡是一湾池塘,如果你甘于沉寂,终将成为一潭死水;


答:______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

2.(2011·保定模拟)依据画线的句子,在下面横线处续写恰当的语句,使整段话语意连贯,句式整齐。(6分) 美无处不在,聆听大海,浩瀚涛声会激荡你的胸怀;________________,________________ ______________________。当你嗅到初春的第一缕泥土的气息,青春的花朵便绽放在你生命的枝 头;____________________________,___________________________。只要你有一颗充满诗意的心,生命就会呈现绝美的图景。



超:_______________________________________________________________________________ 赶:_______________________________________________________________________________ 值:_______________________________________________________________________________ 起:_______________________________________________________________________________



答:______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________



答:______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


国家文物局要求严格审查违背相关国际公约精神并严重损害中国人民文化权益和民族感情而于2月25日拍卖圆明园流失文物鼠首和兔首铜像的法国佳士得拍卖行申报进出境文物。 答:______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


青瓷碗上 细雨裁枝 画活西湖柳 春风舞墨 世博园争芳 竹立方间

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Windows 8是由微软公司开发的,具有革命性变化的操作系统。该系统旨在让人们的日常电脑操作变得更加简单和快捷,为人们提供高效易行的工作环境。Windows 8将支持来自Intel、AMD和ARM的芯片架构。

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