
2015-11-21   来源:英语教案




  True love


  真与爱 truth and love

  真爱之吻 Penelope ; True Love's Kiss

  终遇真爱 Finally Found Someone


  1. Nothing can ever take the place of real love and family togetherness.


  2. Maybe one day you'll find true love.


  3. Are you sure it's the real thing, not just infatuation?

  你确信这是真爱, 而不是一时的迷恋 吗 ?

  4. " I adore it, " exclaimed Daisy. " The pompadour!

  “ 我真爱这张相片, ” 黛西嚷嚷道, “ 这个笔直向后梳的发型!


  5. Tom is a piece of caustic.


  6. Everyone deserves the chance to find true love, right?

  每个人都有发现真爱的机会, 对 么 ?

  7. Are you saying my relationship with Augusten isn't real love?


  8. Thaddeus, real love isn't ever ambivalent.

  撒迪厄斯, 真爱是永远不会有矛盾的.

  9. True love is visible not to the eyes but to the heart.


  10. Princess thinks ture love can last for ever. No at all.

  主认为真爱能够永恒, 不,一点也不是.

  11. I gaily laughed to think they could doubt my love.


  12. There will also love the Internet, anyway, to meet on anything understand.

  网上也会有真爱的, 不管怎么样, 见面了就什么都明白了.

  13. Donkey: With Shrek? Oh, you think Shrek is your true love?

  驴子: 和史瑞克? 噢, 你认为史瑞克是你的真爱?

  14. I hope Dame Fortune tells me where I can find my love.


  15. There is only one kind of love, but there are a imitations.

  真爱只有一种, 它是绝对模仿不来的.



  独一无二的英文1: irreplaceable英 [ˌɪrɪˈpleɪsəbl]美 [ˌɪrɪˈplesəbəl]

  独一无二的英文2: unique英 [juˈni:k]美 [juˈnik]


  only, single, sole, unique, alone


  only : 普通用词,常可与sole换用,但侧重仅限于指定的人或物,而不需要更多。

  single : 语气较强,强调仅此一个,再无第二个。

  sole : 语气强于only,指仅有一个或一群,只考虑这一个或这一群。

  unique : 非正式用词,侧重在一类中唯一无可匹敌、无与伦比的特征。

  alone : 着重专指某人或某物,而不是别的。


  1. They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.


  2. There's one man who's considered irreplaceable.


  3. The Radio frequency communication irreplaceable makes mobile communication realized in underground mine.


  4. In these major events, the Internet has played an irreplaceable important role.

  在这些重大事件中, 互联网发挥了不可替代的重要作用.

  5. B: You are very upset with the news . The pet is irreplaceable.

  B非常伤心, 因为那宠物是不可替代的.

  6. The documentary part and acting parts are both irreplaceable.


  7. In this aspect, the economic diplomacy will definitely play an irreplaceable role.

  在这方面, 经济外交将起着不可或缺的作用.

  8. Trade union has some irreplaceable advantages in protecting the Laborer's legaland interests.


  9. You are a treasure, beyond price, one of a kind, irreplaceable.

  人本身就是一种财富, 是无价之宝, 是万物中无可替代的.

  10. The United Nations is playing an irreplaceable role in international affairs.


  11. He is irreplaceable in her heart; she feels pampered , spoiled and loved.

  在她心中,没有人可取代他; 她感到受宠和真情.

  12. However the importance of children's songs cannot be neglected and irreplaceable.


  13. CIFIT is indeed an irreplaceable international investment promotion platform.


  14. Even after boyfriends entered the picture, our best friends remained irreplaceable.

  即使在交了男朋友之后, 我们最好的朋友的位置还是不可取代.

  15. To me, you are irreplaceable, because you are one of a kind.

  对我而言你是无法代替的, 因为你是独一无二的.

  1. Editorially, they never really became a unique distinct product.


  2. Kauffman was a woman of unique talent and determination.


  3. With its unique heating element it makes perfect coffee.


  4. This interesting and charming creature is unique to Borneo.


  5. The examples are unique to this dictionary.


  6. Brett's vocals are just unique.


  7. He'sgot a unique sound and a unique style.


  8. They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.

里约热内卢用英语怎么说  它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。

  9. It will be a unique family occasion.


  10. Everyone's fingerprints are unique.


  11. The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is unique.


  12. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.


  13. The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.


  14. It is not a unique instance , but has its counterpart.


  15. This is a rather unique position.





  Rio de Janeiro

  英 [ˈri(:)əudədʒəˈniərəu]

  美 [ˈriodeʒəˈnɛro, di-, ˈriʊdɪʒɪˈnerʊ]


  里约热内卢人 cariocas

  里约热内卢港 Port of Rio De Janeiro


  1. He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.


  2. In Rio, nearly forty people have been held to ransom this year alone.


  3. What clothes do I need for Rio in February?


  4. Biodiversity was the buzzword of the Rio Earth Summit.


  5. Milton, are you in Rio de Janeiro today?

  米尔顿, 你今天在里约热内卢 吗 ?

  6. RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Dec. 22 ( AP )

  美联社巴西里约热内卢12月22日电 ( 朱方译 )

  7. Ronaldo grew up in Bento Ribeiro, a suburb of Rio.


  8. Typically many of the birds are sent to local zoos.


  9. I will draw Tracy a map of Rio now.


  10. Rio's police force is also part of the problem.


  11. Chicago is among the contenders , along with Madrid, Tokyo and Janeiro.

  芝加哥将同马德里, 东京,里约热内卢展开竞争.

  12. The architect lives in an apartment in Rio's posh Ipanema district.


  13. National Team at the 2007 Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro.


  14. Even within Brazil, cariocas are known as fun, sensual, and easy - going .

  甚至在巴西, 里约热内卢人也是以快乐, 性感和 随和 出名.

  15. Rio de Janeiro is a big natural harbour.




它位于亚马逊热带雨林腹地,它拥有世界第二长河流,它有"世界奇迹"耶稣山,它有宏伟壮观瀑布群,它纵情热辣桑巴,它回味纯正烤肉……这就是足球之外的巴西,值得你一游。 嘉年华(Carnival)是重要的天主教节日,人们化装打扮一番后巡游庆祝,充满街头派对气氛。巴西的嘉年华狂欢素有"地球上最盛大的表演"之称,每年吸引数百万游客。 巴西的嘉年华传统源于1850年传入巴西的葡萄牙文化。黑奴也获准参与到庆祝活动中来,节日期间得到五天自由,嘉年华后来因此被赋予了一种独特的拉美风情。The origins of Brazilian carnivals come from the Portuguese in 1850. Black slaves became involved in celebrations, and were allowed to be free for five days during the festivities, which soon took on a uniquely Latin American feel. [里约嘉年华]巴西里约热内卢一直被视为世界"嘉年华之都"。每年仅到访的外国游客就有50万左右。里约嘉年华狂欢五天,每年二月份举行。二月是南半球最热的月份,也是巴西的盛夏。Rio de Janeiro has long been regarded as the Carnival Capital of the World. Foreign visitors alone number around 500,000 every year. Rio Carnival is a wild 5-day celebration. It usually happens in February, the hottest month in the Southern Hemisphere, when the Rio summer is at its peak.这是一场人们唱歌跳舞、聚会狂欢的盛会。嘉年华举办期间以及举办前后的每个日日夜夜,到处是各种聚会。人们内心的真我被彻底释放,得到尽情的享乐。It is an event where people dance, sing, party and have tons of fun. There are many parties that take place before, during and after Carnival, all night and all day. It allows someone's true heart to come out and have as much fun as possible.每年的里约嘉年华都以加冕狂欢节国王"莫莫王"开场:里约市长将巨大的金银钥匙交到"莫莫王"手上。然后嘉年华活动全面开闸——街道、广场、俱乐部内、所有场馆里……嘉年华狂欢在整个里约城上演,并最终被"里约嘉年华游行"(也叫"桑巴游行")推向高潮。Each year's Rio Carnival begins with the crowning of the Fat King (King Momo), who is presented with a giant silver and gold key by the city's mayor. Then it is Carnival all over the place, on the streets and squares, bars, clubs and all other venues, taking over the whole city of Rio and culminating on the Rio Carnival Parade also known as the Samba Parade.

[其他城市]尽管当地人称里约嘉年华为"地球上最盛大的表演",但其实在巴西其他城市,庆祝活动都在以各自不同的形式上演着。就游客数量而言,整个东北地区的规模即将超过里约。While locals describe the Rio Carnival as "the greatest show on Earth", celebrations of one kind or another will take place in cities across the whole country. The north-east region of Brazil as a whole will beat Rio in terms of visitor numbers.巴伊亚州(巴西西北部)有70万名游客光顾,其中闻名遐迩的萨尔瓦多市有15英里长的街道供人们游行,所有人均可免费参加。圣保罗嘉年华因其桑巴比赛而闻名,该市的桑巴舞蹈队各显其能,以争取有最多的观众加入到自己的游行中。In the state of Bahia – which alone will welcome up to 700,000 tourists – the city of Salvador famously dedicates a 15-miles stretch of its streets to parades, which are free for all to attend. Sao Paulo's Carnival is known for its competition for the Samba award, as the city's dance schools compete to get the most audience members involved.另一个亮点位于弗洛里亚诺波利斯(巴西东南部),该市是同性恋、双性恋和变性者的嘉年华中心。该市会举办著名的同性恋选美大赛,决出扮装皇后和变性明星。Another highlight is the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender center of Carnival, Florianópolis. It hosts the famous Pop Gay beauty contest for drag queens and transgender people. 巴西是一个多姿多彩的国家。除了参与嘉年华,你还可以游览耶稣山、巴西利亚教堂等名胜。热爱大自然的游客,亚马逊热带雨林、伊瓜苏瀑布不可错过。 [荡舟亚马逊河]亚马逊雨林占地超过10亿英亩,是世界上最大的热带雨林,也是无数种野生动物和五彩斑斓植物群的栖息地。游览亚马逊原始丛林的最佳方式是走水路——沿着世界第二长河流亚马逊河顺流而上或顺流而下。The Amazon rain forest, at over a billion acres,

is the largest tropical rain forest in the world and is home to a dazzling (炫目的) amount of wildlife and colorful flora (植物群). One of the best ways to visit this pristine jungle (原始丛林) is by water, traveling up or down the 2nd-longest river in the world, the Amazon.从巴西城市贝伦或玛瑙斯启程,在亚马逊河上划行1000英里,全程需要大约5天。想要有最真实的雨林体验,最好选择乘坐传统的河船。在一片沉静中,你会陶醉于周遭野生动物的嘶鸣"和声"。途中,游客们还可以在阿莱格里山观赏到史前岩刻和洞穴壁画。Starting in the Brazilian cities of Belem or Manaus, a 1,000-mile journey up the river takes about five days. The most authentic way to do it is to take a traditional river boat. You could revel (陶醉) in the surrounding hum (杂声) of wildlife and the overwhelming calm. You can stop at Mount Alegre to see prehistoric rock art and cave paintings. [瞻仰耶稣巨像]里约热内卢著名的耶稣雕像是世界"新七大奇迹"之一,也是世界范围内最重要的地标之一。The famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, and is one of the most significant landmarks around the world.耶稣像位于海拔710米的哥卡华都山顶,雕像臂展28米,身高30米,这样的比例所呈现出的视觉效果着实令人叹为观止。雕像于1931年建成。如今每年到访的游客超过60万。乘坐拥有百年历史的铁路列车可抵达山顶。With an arm span of 28m, and a height of 30m, the proportions of this statue on 710m Mount Corcovado, are truly impressive. Christ the Redeemer was completed in 1931. Today, more than 600,000 visitors per year visit the site, transported to the summit by a railway that is 100 years old. [参观巴西利亚教堂]巴西利亚教堂由巴西建筑师奥斯卡·尼迈耶设计,于1960年建成。与世界上其它的教堂不同,巴西利亚教堂的轮廓向内缓缓弯曲,然后直插云天;教堂内部装饰着蓝色玻璃,天花板上悬挂着三个天使塑像,其中最重的达300公斤。除了弥撒时间,每天其他时间教堂均对外开放。每年接待近百万游客。Designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, Brasilia's cathedral was completed in 1960. Unlike few other cathedrals in the world, its outline curves gently inwards and spikes towards the skies; inside, visitors can admire blue stained glass and three angels that hang from the ceiling, the heaviest of which weighs 300kg. The cathedral is open every day to visitors, except during Mass, and welcomes nearly 1m people per year.[畅游伊瓜苏瀑布]伊瓜苏瀑布群位于阿根廷和巴西的边境,总宽2.7千米,最高落幅达82米,比加拿大的尼亚加拉瀑布还要高。瀑布群平均每秒流量553立方英尺。游客可以搭乘充气船,非常近距离地体验奔腾的瀑布水流。On the border between Argentina and Brazil, the Iguazu Falls stretch for 2.7km, with the highest drop at 82m, making them taller than Niagara. An average of 553 cubic feet per second of water falls from the crest. You could take a ride in an inflatable boat (充气船) that passes as close as possible to the sheets of tumbling water. 因为畜牧业发达,巴西人所吃食物中肉类占的比重较大。在巴西人的主食中,巴西特产黑豆占有一席之地。巴西人还喜欢饮甘蔗酒和咖啡。 在南部的部分地方,巴西美食有德国饮食的影子;意大利和日本移民对圣保罗(巴西东南部)的烹饪技巧也有很大影响。最具巴西传统特色的一些美食则融合了葡萄牙和非洲口味。但对许多巴西人来说,主食还是大米、豆类和木薯。In some parts of the south, Brazilian cuisine reflects a German influence; Italian and Japanese immigrants also brought their cooking skills to Sao Paulo. Some of the most traditional Brazilian dishes are adaptations of Portuguese or African foods. But the staples for many Brazilians are rice, beans and manioc. [黑豆饭]黑豆饭被视为巴西的国菜,主料为黑豆,再加入各种风干、盐渍和熏制的肉类,经炖煮而成。黑豆饭原本是集合了各种厨房下脚料的杂烩菜,专给奴隶吃的,如今索性连猪尾巴、猪耳朵、猪蹄等猪身肉也都一股脑儿加入其中了。Considered Brazil's national dish, feijoada consists of black beans simmered with a variety of dried, salted and smoked meats. Originally made out of odds and ends to feed slaves, today the tail, ears, feet, and other parts of a pig are thrown in.[巴西烤肉]外国游客

最爱、同时也深受巴西国民青睐的一道菜是巴西烤肉。巴西烤肉起源于南部的加乌乔牛仔,他们最先在野外的火堆上烤肉。在南部能吃到最地道的巴西烤肉。大多数烤肉店提供自助餐——只需固定餐费,各种烤肉可供食客吃到饱。A favorite with foreign visitors and very popular all over Brazil is churrasco or barbecue, which originated with the southern gaucho cowboys who roasted meat over an open fire. Some of the finest churrascos can be eaten in the South. Most churrascarias offer a rodizio option: for a set price diners can eat all they want of a variety of meats. [特色海鲜]所有沿海地区都盛行吃海鲜,但东北部尤以它的鱼虾蟹和龙虾闻名。亚马逊河流域则以其鱼类和鱼类佳肴的丰富多样性而著称。巴西海鲜可以与椰奶同煮,其他能给海鲜味道增色的佐料还包括芫菜(类似中国的香菜)、柠檬汁和大蒜。Seafood is plentiful all along the coast, but the Northeast is particularly famed for its fish, shrimp, crabs and lobster and the Amazon for its incredible variety of fish species and fish dishes. Sometimes cooked with coconut milk, other ingredients that add a nice touch to Brazilian seafood dishes are coriander, lemon juice and garlic.[酒饮]瓜拉纳是巴西特色软饮,也是最受欢迎的巴西软饮。瓜拉纳提取自瓜拉纳果——一种源于亚马逊河流域、类似咖啡的水果。巴西也有自己独特的"甘蔗酒",是一种用甘蔗酿制的烈性酒,属于朗姆酒,但有自己独特的风味。巴西的咖啡也非常棒。Guarana is a unique Brazilian soft drink and, by far, the most popular soft drink here. It is extracted from the Guarana fruit, a coffee-like fruit originating in the Amazon. Brazil's own unique brew is cachaca, a strong liquor distilled from sugar cane, a type of rum, but with its own distinct flavor. Brazilian coffee is also wonderful. 【巴西旅行提示】1. Have your documents in order.妥当保管出行手续。2. Share your itinerary with family or a friend.把你的行程路线告诉家人或朋友。3. Track your budget.花钱悠着点儿。4. Learn key phrases in Portuguese.掌握关键的葡萄牙口语。5. Take care of your health. Carry necessary medications.注意健康。携带必要的药品。6. Pack light. The World Cup's host cities are all across Brazil.轻装出行。世界杯比赛举办城市遍布巴西全国。7. Stay safe. Avoid taking unmarked taxis and do not wear expensive jewelry.注意安全。不打黑车,不戴贵重首饰。8. Have an emergency plan. What if your wallet is lost?想好应急计划。比如钱包丢了怎么办?




1. Nest, water cubic meters, the torch relay One World One Dream 同一个梦想,同


The 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games2016年里约热内卢奥运会

2. he international Olympic Committee constituted itself on 23rd June 1894.国际


3. 奥运会Olympic Games

4. 奥运会选拔赛Olympic Trial

5. 国际奥委会International Olympic Committee

6. 奥运会会歌Olympic Anthem

7. 奥运火炬Olympic Torch

8. 奥运会代表团Olympic Delegation

9. 奥运村Olympic Village

10. 组委会organization committee

11. 开幕式opening ceremony

12. 闭幕式closing ceremony

13. 吉祥物mascot 颁奖台podium


14. Aquatics(水上运动)Swimming

15. 游泳freestyle

16. 自由泳backstroke

17. 仰泳breaststroke

18. 蛙泳butterfly

19. 蝶泳individual medley

20. 个人混合泳freestyle relay

21. 自由泳接力medley relay

22. 混合泳接力Water polo

23. 水球Diving

24. 跳水10m platform event

25. 十米跳台3m springboard event

26. 三米跳板synchronised diving from 10 m platform

27. 双人十米跳台synchronised diving from 3 m springboard

28. 双人三米跳板Synchronised swimming

29. 花样游泳Archery(射箭)Individual events

30. 个人赛Team events

31. 团体赛Athletics(田径)

32. Track 径赛

33. Jumping 跳跃

34. high jump 跳高里约热内卢用英语怎么说

35. pole vault 撑杆跳高l

36. ong jump 跳远

37. triple jump 三级跳远

38. Throwing 投掷

39. shot put 推铅球

40. discus 掷铁饼

41. hammer 掷链球

42. javelin 标枪

43. Decathlon 男子十项全能

44. Heptathlon 女子七项全能

45. Road events 公路赛

46. marathon 马拉松

47. walk 竞走

48. Ball Games(球类运动)

49. Badminton 羽毛球

50. men\'s singles 男子单打

51. women\'s singles 女子单打

52. men\'s doubles 男子双打

53. women\'s doubles 女子双打

54. mixed doubles 混合双打

55. Baseball 棒球

56. Basketball 篮球

57. Football 足球

58. Handball 手球

59. Hockey / Field Hockey 曲棍球

60. Softball 垒球里约热内卢用英语怎么说

61. Table Tennis 乒乓球

62. Tennis 网球

63. Volleyball 排球


64. Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球

65. Cycling(自行车)Road cycling 公路自行车赛

66. Track cycling 场地自行车赛

67. sprint 追逐赛

68. time trial 计时赛

69. points race 计分赛

70. pursuit 争先赛

71. Mountain bike 山地自行车赛

射击: shooting

Men's/Women's shooting 10m Air Rifle


Men's/Women's Shooting 10m Air Pistol 男子/女子10米气手枪

shooting Trap 多向飞碟

Shooting 10m Running Target 10米移动靶

Shooting 25m Pistol 25米运动手枪


Men's/Women's Diving Synchronised 10m platform男子/女子10米双人跳台 Men's/Women's 10m platform 男子/女子10米跳台

Men's/Women's 3m platform 男子/女子3米跳板

Men's/Women's Synchronized 3m springboard



400 medley 400米混合泳

freestyle 自由泳

breaststroke 蛙泳

butterfly 蝶泳

backstroke 仰泳

Men's/Women's 4x100 freestyle 男子/女子4x100混合泳接力 划船:rowing

canoe/kayak 划皮艇

canoe slalom 轻舟激流

sailing 帆船运动

repechages (赛艇和击剑等运动的)补充赛


rings 吊环

金山词霸英语学习资料-里约热内卢奥运计划改造任务 英汉互译



There are 2,496 days until the opening of the 2016 Olympics. Rio de Janeiro, the first South American Olympic host, will need every last one of them to complete an epic urban makeover.


For all of its natural beauty, Rio has been in a state of decline since the national capital was transferred from here to the newly created city of Brasília in 1960. As part of a $14 billion Olympic overhaul, Rio will have to add subway lines and a new bus system, attract investors to double the city's hotel space and clean up a polluted bay and lakes. It must build four arenas, overhaul two stadiums and construct facilities for sports like tennis and mountain biking. And, somehow, authorities must deal with drug-related violence in a city where statisticians routinely publish data on killings by stray bullets.

里约热内卢的居民们希望,该市因奥运会而获得的国际关注会给当地政治制度引入一些问责机制,当地的政治制度常常伴随着低效和腐败。里约热内卢市长帕埃斯(Eduardo Paes)说,该市本周将推出一个名叫“奥运透明性”的网站。网站将公布所有的奥运相关支出。 Rio residents are hoping that the international spotlight on the city cast by the Olympics will introduce some accountability into the local political system, which has been prone to inefficiency and corruption. Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes said the city this week will launch a Web site, Olympic Transparency, where all spending on the games will be posted.


But amid the euphoria over how the Olympics could give Brazil an international visibility it has always craved, there were voices of caution. 美国伊利诺伊大学政治学家柴巴布(Jose Antonio Cheibub)说,我感觉,希望通过一次活动改变多年存在的政治模式,这种想法可能有点儿天真。

'I feel there might be a little bit of naïveté that an event is going to be able to transform patterns of politics that have been in place many, many years,' said Jose Antonio Cheibub, a political scientist at the University of Illinois.

上周五,也就是国际奥委会宣布里约热内卢为2016年奥运主办国的当天,巴西内阁部长、总统卢拉(Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva)的左膀右臂罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)率领一个由政治家组成的委员会参观了里约热内卢北部的一些贫困地区。目前政府正在这些地区斥巨资建设公共工程。不过这个委员会成员需要80名宪兵的护卫才敢涉足这个暴力事件频发的地区。

On Friday, the day the Olympic committee awarded the games to Rio, Dilma Rousseff, cabinet chief and right-hand aide of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, lead a committee of politicians visiting some poor neighborhoods in northern Rio where the government is spending heavily on public works. But before it dared to venture into the violence-ridden neighborhood, the group needed an escort of 80 military policemen



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