
2015-05-16   来源:英语教案




  英 [ˈtwenti]

  美 [ˈtwɛnti, ˈtwʌn-]


  About twenty-seven percent said they plan to go to graduate school, compared to about twenty-four percent a year ago. All of this is Darwinian thinking and, I think, increasingly will be central in importance in thetwenty-first century.


  About... It was a twenty-page exam, so I mean, it's not... it was not fun.


  Wish them luck. Americans age twenty to twenty-four faced an unemployment rate in May of fourteen and seven-tenths percent. It argues that the books must be exactly twenty-four, because Revelation 4:10 has twenty-four elders in God's throne room.


  In two thousand six, the United States had lower scores in mathematics than twenty-three of the other twenty-nine OECD countries. Then what I'm going to do for the last twenty or twenty-five minutes is talk about the Dutch Republic.


  The atmosphere is about twenty-percent oxygen and eighty percent nitrogen from Earth's surface to where space begins at one-hundred-twenty kilometers up. Milton, who had died in 1674, had established himself as a great English poet within twenty or so years of his death.


  Jamaica Corker says more than twenty thousand people called the hotline in two thousand eight, the latest year available. Seventeen against thirty, twenty-four against thirty And by this stage I've got nothing the rest of that list in.


  In the United States, the legal age to drink alcohol is twenty-one -- one of the highest in the world. VOA: special.2009.04.02

  So, we have this security and a ten-year bond would have twenty coupons attached, each with a date on them.


  It was free because Congress -- in the Missouri Compromise of Eighteen Twenty -- made slavery illegal in that area. In the next twenty-five years the increased--the anticipated increase in diabetes is supposed to be about 37% in the U.S.



  When Summers advanced to Treasury Secretary, in 1999, Sandberg became, at twenty-nine, his chief of staff.

  Qasim took twenty of his, crammed them into the two Humvees, and followed Wright.

  Twenty-two flood warnings remain in place within the area, including the River Ouse and River Ure.

  Then, for about a period of twenty-five years, that trend stalled—and the question was why.

  His first tweet, a simple five-word, twenty-three character burst came at 12:20 PM EST.

  We prepare players for the twenty-minute interview process with teams using a former NFL exec.

  That compares to one of out twenty people in the rest of the United States.

  Twenty-five people were arrested in 2009 over the kidnapping of some 16 wealthy Bulgarians for ransom.

  During that time he has worked for twenty companies--an astonishing number even in this gypsy town.

  Draw Something is highly social and unusual compared to other games in Top Twenty.

  Mark Twain has a hundred and fifty-three quotations, Oscar Wilde a hundred and twenty-three.

  Twenty percent of patients on Victoza had nausea, 11% had vomiting, and 13% had diarrhea.

  Twenty years ago, as a young man, he once made a joke about shooting somebody.

  Twenty dress shirts wait on the wicker couch in his West Village town house.

  Twenty-three activists have been charged with forming a "terror network" aimed at toppling the Sunni leadership.

  Twenty-five years later, I had made my way to the University of Maryland, Baltimore County.

  Twenty-two states earned an A for standards and assessments, with a national average grade of B.

  The book is The Bet, a romance starring early twenty-somethings who have too much money.








  1. 时间:2008年11月21日来源:不详作者:佚名浏览次数:

  export grid to excel fast and wyswyg!

  2. 据晨星数据,截至12月12日,王亚伟统帅的华夏大盘以今年来负33.21%的净值增长率占据股票型基金第一名。

  According to Morningstar data as of December 12, Yawei commander of the Chinese market this year with a negative growth rate of 33.21% of the net to occupy the first equity fund.

  3. 你能记起5月21日晚上你在哪里吗?

  Can you bring to mind your whereabouts on the night of 21st May?

  4. 但我们未能打破,在韦科事件两天后,也就是4月21日,最终承认了失败。

  But we couldn't, and finally admitted defeat on April 21, two days after Waco.

  5. 最受瞩目的汤姆斯杯和尤伯杯羽毛球团体赛将于是5月12日至于21日举行。

  The Thomas Cup and the Uber Cup,the most coveted team competition will be held on May 12-21.

  6. 然而,1963年2月21日通讯卫星1号被新发现的范艾伦辐射带损害.

  However,on February 21,1963,Telstar I suffered damage caused by the newly discovered Van Allen belts.

  7. 他(塞拉亚)在9月21日秘密返还宏都拉斯,目前躲在特古西加尔巴的巴西大使馆中。

  He secretly returned to Honduras September 21 and is holed up at the Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa.

  8. 11月21日,AT &T举行用户电报业务开通典礼。

  AT &T inaugurates the Teletypewriter Exchange Service (TWX) November 21.

  9. 11月21日,AT&T举行用户电报业务开通典礼。

  AT&T inaugurates the Teletypewriter Exchange Service (TWX) November 21.

  10. 大会将于2008年6月17日至21日在挪威斯塔万格召开。

  The conference will be held from 17 to 21 June 2008 in Stavanger, Norway.

  11. 夏至夏季的至点,大约为6月21日

  The summer solstice, about June21.

  12. 一名巴勒斯坦男孩了一份关于在穆斯林神圣的斋月前夕在加沙城于2009年8月21日电光花。

  Palestinian boy plays with a sparkler on the eve of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan in Gaza City on August 21, 2009.

  13. 苗君易(发明人),T型涡流产生器,1995,中华民国专利,专利权号数:发明第71182号,中华民国经济部中央标准局,专利权期间中华民国84年4月21日至102年6月13日止。

  Miau, J.J., Liu, T.W., Chou, J.H., and Chen, T.L. (Inventors),1992, Disk-Type Vortex Flowmeters and Method for Measuring Flow Rate Using Disk-Type Vortex Shedder, U.S.

  14. 这张支票是在3月21日兑现的。

  The cheque was presented for payment on 21 March.

  15. 大学校园新的文化节日——大学校园原创风大赛于2000年11月21日到30日在首都各大院校举行。

  From Nov.21 to Nov.30, University Student Original Drama Competition, a new cultural festival, was held in some universities and colleges in Beijing.


  1. 陆克文1957年12月21日生于昆士兰州布里斯班附近。

  Rudd was born on September 21, 1957 near Brisbane, Queensland.

  2. 第126号信用证项下的轻便车已于21日装东风,请安排保险。

  Lc126 roadster shipped seastwind 21st please insure.

  3. 甜菜碱对1至21日龄肉鸭体脂重分配的作用效果及机理

  Study of betaine on the repartition of carcass fat in meat duck (1 21days) and mechanism of the effect.

  4. 10月21日,无线电话横跨大西洋,从弗吉尼亚的阿林顿至巴黎,实现首次话音传输。

  October 21, First transmission of speech across the Atlantic by radiotelephone, Arlington, Va., to Paris.

  5. 在釜山拍摄的"宿命''将在5月21日开拍。

  "Fate" will be shot in Pusan from 21 May.

  6. 台北地方法院今日召开准备程序庭,至21日连续3天审理陈水扁案件。

  Taipei court Monday began pretrial proceedings for former Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian, who faces corruption charges.

  7. 1月21日,上证所与港交所签订“沪港交易所更紧密合作协议”,进一步加强彼此之间的合作。

  January 21, SSE and the HKEx signed a "work more closely with Hong Kong and Shanghai Stock Exchange Agreement" to further strengthen mutual cooperation.

  8. 在国际灵长类动物学会出版的国际性期刊6月号的一篇文章中有三种新狐猴被正式命名为鼠狐猴,以及6月21日在马达加斯加首都的一个保育大会上被宣布。

  The three new mouse lemurs were officially named in a paper published in June by the International Journal of Primatology and announced at a conservation conference on June 21, 2006 in the Malagasy capital.

  9. 1930年5月21日,第一届高雄中会成立于北野町教会(盐埕教会之前身)。

  On May 21, 1930, the 1st Kaohsiung Presbytery was held in Peiyeitin Church, which later became Yen-cheng Church.

  10. 到8月21日时,哈尔科夫的守军已经基本弹尽粮绝。

  By 21 August, the Kharkov garrison had all but exhausted its reserves of artillery ammunition.

  11. 对2002年6月21-23日发生在黄海-长江流域梅雨锋上的一系列由中尺度对流系统(MCS)引起的强对流天气过程进行了云顶辐射亮温(TBB)和天气形势、气象要素等的诊断分析。

  Based on cloud-top brightness temperature data and circulation background, and the physical quantities, Diagnosis of severe convection weather caused by MCS in Mei-yii front over the Yellow Sea-Changjiang River during June 21 to 23, 2002 is made.

  12. 在下周三(21日)重又开始的廷审中,第一次筹划有5到6人当面作证。

  Card philtrum includes the minister when 3 Saddam are in power.

  13. 1902年5月21日生于匈牙利佩奇市。

  May 21, 1902 Born in the Hungarian city of Pec.

  14. 1925年建立巴列维王朝。1935年3月21日,改国名为伊朗。

  In 1925, the Pahlavi dynasty was established and renamed as Iran on 21 Mar. 1935.

  15. 患者男性,21岁,6月24日因在酒吧间格斗后不久在街头虚脱20分钟而被送到医院重伤科。

  On 24 June a man aged 21 was admitted to the casualty department, having collapsed in the street 20 minutes previously a few moments after a fight in a public house.





Lesson 1 娱乐八卦 嘻哈人生

1. Ticket scalper 黄牛

2. First –rate top –ranking 一流的

3. Airhead 饭桶

4. Box office eg:this movie was a big flop at the box office 票房

5. Preview 预告片

6. Go wild 狂欢

7. Cohabit with sb 同居

8. Seperate 分居

9. Put on airs =give yourself air 摆架子

10. Stand in line 排队

11. Hearsay rumour 谣言

12. In vogue 流行的

13. Everyday choths casual cloths 便装 business attire 正装

14. Be a box-office hit 卖的好

15. Steal the show 抢风头

16. Eye –catching 抢眼

17. Flaunt 显摆

18. Put up a front 装门面

19. Bamboo telegraph 小道消息

20. Undisguisedly barefaced 露骨的

21. Follow the fashion 赶时髦

22. Be engrossed in 入迷

23. Become addicted 上瘾的

24. Vulnerable point eg:take advantage of one’s vulnerable point 小辫子

25. Vigorously 起劲

26. Keep people guessing 卖关子

27. Chaotic 乱哄哄

28. Cook up 胡谄 ,胡说

29. Dog one’s footsteps 盯梢

30. Settle 搞定 摆平

31. Prime 黄金阶段

32. Big name 大腕,很有名气的人

33. idol drama偶像剧 costume drama 古装剧

34. Shoddy 劣质的

35. Beauty contest beauty pageant 选美

36. Title song top song leading song album

37. Blockbuster hollywood 主打歌

lip-synding 假唱

38. Make a hit 走红

39. Media hype 吵作

40. Alternative exotic 另类

41. Trend 潮人

42. Be in love with sb 拍拖

43. Post message 发帖子

44. Cyber love cyber romance cyber affair 网恋

45. Upload 上传

46. Post message randomly 灌水,发一些无聊的帖子

invisible on line 上网隐身

47. Go to a karaoke bar K歌

48. Ring-back tone

铃声 multi-media 彩信 tone deaf 五音不全

Lesson 2 天下美食 享用不尽





5. Sidewalk snack booth 货摊,使用电话亭 Burp 打饱嗝 High-flame 大火 Devour 狼吞虎咽 Staple food 主食 main food streamed bun 包子 streamed bread 馒头 Lunch box 便当

6. Disposable tableware 一次性餐具 throwaway chopsticks 一次性筷子 throwwaway cup一次性杯子

7. Heat up the soup 热下汤

8. Organic food 有机食品

9. Iced black tea 冰红茶 coca cola 可口可乐

10. Stuffed 肚子很饱

11. Palatable 合胃口的,美味的

12. Leftovers 吃剩的饭菜

13. Nutritious nutrient 有营养的

14. Omelet 煎蛋

15. Dairy products 奶制品diary 日记

16. On the house 免费赠送

17. Rotten go sour 烂了

18. Greedy 馋

19. Have little taste 味道很淡

20. Make one’s mouth water 流口水

21. Night snack 夜宵

22. Pub 客栈 go pubing 去泡吧

23. Dinner party 应酬

24. Repeat customer 回头客

25. Tonic 补品

26. Flab 赘肉

27. Spoil one’s appetite 倒胃口

Lesson 3 旅行途中 休闲当道

1. Leave one’s baggage 寄放行李

2. Put on one’s seat belt 系上安全带

3. Go through customs 过海关

4. Charger 充电器 completely discharged 完全放电

5. Pack one’s bags 收拾行李

6. Group discount 团购

7. Self-service travel 自助游

8. Authentic 正牌货 counterfeit 冒牌货

9. Regular price 原价 fixed price 固定价格

10. Buy sth on impulse 冲动购买 impulsive 冲动的

11. Buy in installments 分期付款

12. Buy on credit 用信用卡支付

13. a -year guarantee 一年保修

14. Valid 有效的

15. Sell like hot cakes 畅销

16. Brand-name product 名牌产品

17. For a song 特别便宜

18. Speciality store exclusive store 专卖店

19. Follow the latest trend 紧跟最新的潮流

20. Vending machine 自动售货机

21. Insert 夹带广告

22. Shop around 货比三家

23. Overcharge rip sb off 被宰,敲竹杠

24. Be taken in 上当

25. Shoddy product 劣质产品

26. Pirate 盗版的

27. Clearance sale 清仓大甩卖

28. Release launch 推出

29. Two-for –one 买一送一

30. Low season 淡季 high season 旺季

poised 沉着的

Lesson 4 交通问题 令人头痛

1. Speeding 超速

2. Motion sickness 晕车或船 car sickness 晕车 air sickness 晕机 sea sickness 晕船

3. Crack down on speeding 处罚超速行驶

4. Hit the brakes 紧急刹车

5. Drunk driving 酒后驾驶

6. Zebra crossing 斑马线

7. Speed limit 限速

8. Give sb a lift 载某人一程

9. Joy ride 兜风

10. Underpass 地下通道 overbrigde 天桥

11. Lean against the door 靠在门上



1. 我很喜欢它

错误:I very like it

正确:I like it very much.

2. 这个价格对我挺合适的。

错误:The price is very suitable for me.

正确:The price is right.

Note:suitable (合适的、相配的)最常见的用法是以否定的形式出现在告示或通知上,如:下列节目儿童不宜。The following programme is not suitable for children在这组句子中用后面的说法会更合适。

3. 你是做什么工作的呢?

错误:What’s your job?

正确:Are you working at the moment?

Note:what’s your job这种说法难道也有毛病吗?是的。因为如果您的谈话对象刚刚失业,如此直接的问法会让对方有失面子,所以您要问:目前您是在上班吗?Are you working at the moment?接下来您才问:目前您在哪儿工作呢?Where are you working these days?或者您从事哪个行业呢?What line of work are you in? 顺带说一下,回答这类问题时不妨说得具体一点,不要只是说经理或者秘书。

4. 用英语怎么说?

错误:How to say?

正确:How do you say this in English?

Note:How to say是在中国最为泛滥成灾的中国式英语之一,这决不是地道的英语说法。同样的句子有:请问这个词如何拼写?How do you spell that please?请问这个单词怎么读?How do you pronounce this word?

5. 明天我有事情要做。

错误:I have something to do tomorrow?

正确:Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.

用I have something to do来表示您很忙,这也完全是中国式的说法。因为每时每刻我们都有事情要做,躺在那里睡大觉也是事情。所以您可以说我很忙,脱不开身:I’m tied up.还有其他的说法:I’m I can’t make it at that time. I’d love to, but I can’t, I have to stay at home.

6. 我没有英文名。

错误:I haven’t English name.

正确:I don’t have an English name.

Note:许多人讲英语犯这样的错误,从语法角度来分析,可能是语法功底欠缺,因为have在这里是实义动词,而并不是在现在完成时里面那个没有意义的助动词。所以,这句话由肯定句变成否定句要加助动词。明白道理是一回事,习惯是另一回事。我没有钱;I don’t have any money.我没有兄弟姐妹;I don’t have any brothers or sisters.我没有车。I don’t have a car.

7. 我想我不行。

错误:I think I can’t.

正确:I don’t think I can.


8. 我的舞也跳得不好。

错误:I don’t dance well too.

正确:I am not a very good dancer either.

Note:当我们说不擅长做什么事情的时候,英语里面通常用not good at something,英语的思维甚至直接踊跃到:我不是一个好的舞者。

9. 现在几点钟了?

错误:What time is it now?

正确:What time is it, please?

Note:What time is it now这是一个直接从汉语翻译过的句子,讲英语的时候没有必要说now,因为您不可能问what time was it yesterday, 或者what time is it tommorow?所以符合英语习惯的说法是:请问现在几点了?还有一种说法是:How are we doing for time?这句话在有时间限制的时候特别合适

10. 我的英语很糟糕。

错误:My English is poor.

正确:I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.

Note:有人开玩笑说,全中国人最擅长的一句英文是:My English is poor. 当您告诉外国人,您的英语很poor,so what(那又怎么样呢)。另外一个更大的弊端是,一边不停的学英语,一边不停地说自己的英语很poor,这正像有个人一边给车胎充气,又一边在车胎上扎孔放气。所以您再也不用说:我的英语很poor. 您可以实事求事地说,我的英语还不算十分流利,但至少我在进步。

11. 你愿意参加我们的晚会吗?

错误:Would you like to join our party on Friday?

正确:Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?

Note:join往往是指参加俱乐部或者协会,如:join a health club; join the Communist Party.事实上,常常与party搭配的动词的come 或者go。如go a wild party,或者come to a Christmas Party。

12. 我没有经验。

错误:I have no experience.

正确:I am I don’t know much about that.

Note:I have no experience这句话听起来古里古怪,因为您只需要说:那方面我懂得不多,或者这方面我不在行,就行了。I am not really an expert in this area.

13. 我没有男朋友。

错误:I have no boyfriend.

正确:I don’t have a boyfriend.

14. 他的身体很健康。

错误:His body is healthy.

正确:He is in good health. / He’s healthy.

15. 价钱很昂贵/便宜。

错误:The price is too expensive/cheap.

正确:The price is too high/ rather low.

16. 我们下了车。

错误:We got off the car.

正确:We got out of the car.

17. 车速快了。

错误:The speed of the car is fast.

正确:The car is speeding. Or “The car is going too fast.”

18. 这个春节你回家吗?

Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?

是的,我回去。Of course! (这一句是错的)

当然。Sure. / Certainly.(这种说法是正确的)

以英语为母语的人使用of course的频率要比中国的学生低得多,只有在回答一些众所周知的问题时才说of course。因为of course后面隐含的一句话是“当然我知道啦!难道我是一个傻瓜吗?”因此,of course带有挑衅的意味。在交谈时,用sure或certainly效果会好得多。同时,of course not也具挑衅的意味。正常情况下语气温和的说法是certainly not.

19. 我觉得右手很疼。

错误:I feel very painful in my right hand.

正确:My right hand is very painful. Or “ My right hand hurts(aches).”

20. 他看到她很惊讶。

错误:He looked at her and felt surprised.

正确:He looked at her in surprise.



2011-10-28 23:23 立而鸣 等2人30的英文怎么读

| 分类:英语考试 | 浏览3523次

2011-10-28 23:24网友采纳


一般情况 加 -s 1.清辅音后读/s/; map-maps

2.浊辅音和元音后 bag-bags

读 /z/; car-cars


x等结尾的词 加 -es 读 /iz/ bus-buses



(d)ge等结尾的词加 -s 读 /iz/ license-licenses 以辅音字母+y结尾的词 变y 为i 再加es 读 /z/ baby---babies 评论(1)|9



2006-09-29 14:48memoelva|四级




2006-09-29 14:56rainyvillage|四级


普通加s的单词:若末尾为辅音/元音 读Z ,清音读S30的英文怎么读

辅音+y 的改为ies的:读[iz]

以s z 等发音结尾的,加-es: 读 [iz] (有些发音音标这里不能打出来)

以th结尾的,末尾加es, 重读和 轻读的也不同,但这里不能打出音标来。建议买一本语法书吧,溥冰英语语法挺不错的,里面就有这部分的内容。


2006-09-29 15:0313760551|十三级



例:friend→friends; cat→cats; style→styles; sport→sports; piece→pieces

二、凡是以s、z、x、ch、sh结尾的词,在该词末尾加上后辍-es构成复数。 读音变化:统一加读[iz]。

例:bus→buses; quiz→quizzes; fox→foxes; match→matches; flash→flashes



例:candy→candies; daisy→daisies; fairy→fairies; lady→ladies; story→stories

四、以-o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es,否则加-s构成复数。 读音变化:加读[z]。

例:tomato→tomatoes; potato→potatoes; torpedo→torpedoes;


反例:silo→silos; piano→pianos(外来词); photo→photos; macro→macros(缩写词)



例:knife→knives; life→lives; leaf→leaves; staff→staves; scarf→scarves 反例:roof→roofs


读音变化:尾音[Es]改读[ai],其中[kEs]要改读为[sai],[gEs]要改读为[dVai]。 例:fungus→fungi; abacus→abaci; focus→foci; cactus→cacti; cestus→cesti



例:axis→axes; basis→bases; naris→nares; hypothesis→hypotheses; restis→restes



例:matrix→matrices; directrix→directrices; calix→calices;

appendix→appendices 反例:affix→affixes



例:forum→fora; stadium→stadia; aquarium→aquaria; datum→data; vacuum→vacua



例:larva→larvae; formula→formulae; ala→alae; media→mediae;




例:fish→fish; sheep→sheep; cattle→cattle; deer→deer; salmon→salmon



例:man→men; woman→women; child→children; person→people; ox→oxen


例:ox→oxen; child→children; brother→brethren


例:analysis→analyses分析; basis→bases基础; datum→data数据; foot→feet; formula→formulae/formulas公式; goose→geese; louse→lice虱子; man→men mouse→mice; medium→media/mediums媒介;


parenthesis→parentheses 圆括号; phenomenon→phenomena现象; radius→radii 半径

tooth→teeth; woman→women


例:deer; fish; cannon; sheep; salmon 鲑鱼; trout 鳟鱼




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