
2020-09-04   来源:英语教案



1. aqueduct n. 导水管,沟渠,渡槽

aqueduct canal 输水渡槽;输水渠道

aqueduct bridge 渡槽

Synonym: canal, channel,pipe,waterway

2. canal n. 运河,小道,导管,槽,沟渠,(人体内的)导管

The canals take water to the rice fields. 水渠把水送到稻田里。

the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河

the Canal Zone 巴拿马运河区

the alimentary canal of the human body 人体内的消化管道

3. persistent adj. 坚持的,百折不挠的,固执的,持续[久]的,不断的

persistent effort 坚持不懈的努力

a persistent ringing of the telephone 响个不停的电话铃声

persistent rumors 持久的谣言

persistent infection 持久性传染病

4. discipline n. 纪律,规定,训练,修养,教养,教规,戒律,学科,方法,规律性

labor discipline 劳动纪律

military discipline 军纪

special disciplines 专业课,专业学科

be strict in discipline 纪律严明

a commission for discipline inspection纪律检查委员会

strict discipline严格的训练

discipline of the tides潮汐的规律性

be under perfect discipline受到很好的训练 compulsory discipline 必修学科

He needs a little discipline. 他需要略加惩戒。 In learning a foreign language, question and answer drills are good disciplines.


5. leading adj. 主要的,最重要的,指导的,领导的

The leading cause of high inflation 导致高通货膨胀的主要原因

a leading role 主角

a leading lady 扮主角的女士

a leading question 一个引题

6. empirical adj. 完全根据经验的,经验主义的,


empirical laws 约定俗成的法律

7. formula n. (pl. formulas, formulae[-li:])公式,方程式,原则,方案

formula of integration,积分公式

a legal formula法律上的惯用语句

Drinking and driving is a formula for trouble.酒后开车是引起事故的不变法则。

The employers and the union leaders have agreed an acceptable formula for wages.雇主和工会领袖已就工资问题达成了一个可行方案。

8. codify vt.编成法典,使法律成文化

codify laws编撰法律

9. interlock vt.使联锁,使联结//n.联锁(装置),连结,保险设备

dynamic interlock动力制动联锁

gate interlock门联锁

gear lever interlock变速杆联锁装置

safety interlock安全联锁装置

10. foremost adi.(位置或时间)最先的,最初的,最重要的//adv.首要地,首先

first and foremost 首先,第一

head foremost轻率地,头朝前地

11. masonry n.石工术,石匠职业,石工技术,石工行业

Masonry is a careful skill.砖石工艺是一种精心的技艺。

12. entrepreneur n. (法)企业家,主办人 shipping entrepreneur航运企业家

13. faculty n.学院、大学或学院里的分支机构;学术性专业的全体成员

the faculty of law法学院

the medical faculty全体医学界成员

14. pursue vt.追赶,追踪,追击,继续,从事 pursue a calling从事一种职业

pursue a discussion继续讨论

pursue one’s studies从事研究

pursue the enemy追击敌人

She pursued the study of English for five years.她持续不断地学了五年英语。

The ship continued to pursue a northern course.船继续向北航行。

15. charter n. 特许状,许可证,宪章,特权,豁免权,合同,契约

the Charter of the United Nations联合国宪章 the Great Charter(英国)大宪章

16. dock n. (美)码头,船坞//v. 使船入港 load-out dock 装卸船坞

oil dock油船坞;油船码头

The sailors docked the ship.船员把船靠了码头。

17. intercourse n.交往,交流

diplomatic intercourse外交往来

social intercourse社交

friendly intercourse友好往来

hold intercourse with sb和某人交往

have intercourse with sb和某人交往

18. drainage n. 排水,排泄,排水装置,排水区域,排出物,消耗

the drainage of the swamps沼泽地的排水 drainage and irrigation work排灌工程

The drainage of the city is not good, some of the pipes are broken.这个城市的排水系统不好,有些排水管都破裂了。

19. infrastructure n. 基础,基础结构[设施],尤指社会、国家赖以生存和发展的,如道路、学校、电厂、交通、通讯系统等


Rhetorical Devices

1. Simile 明喻

A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or as

Eg. How like the winter hath my absence been.

So are you to my thoughts as food to life. (Shakespeare)

2. Metaphor 暗喻

A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison Eg. The world is a stage.

3. Personification 拟人

A figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities or are represented as possessing human form Eg. Hunger sat shivering on the road.

4. Antithesis 对照,对立,对比

A figure of speech in which sharply contrasting ideas are juxtaposed in a balanced or parallel phrase or grammatical structure

Eg. That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind. (Neil Armstrong, Apollo 11 Moon Landing Speech)

5. Pun 双关

A play on words, sometimes on different senses of the same word and sometimes on the similar sense or sound of different words

Eg. Being in politics is just like playing golf: you are trapped in one bad lie after another. (lie:①a deliberate untruth ②the position in which something rests)

6. Ridicule 奚落

Words intended to evoke contemptuous laughter at or feelings toward a person or thing Eg. Sure my worthy opponent claims that we should lower tuition, but that is just laughable.

7. Irony 反语,讽刺

The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning

Eg. It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one's pocket.

8. Sarcasm 讥讽

A combine of irony and ridicule, using witty language to convey insults or scorn Eg. It is possible for your mind to be so open that your brain falls out.

9. Hyperbole 夸张

A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect Eg. This book weighs a ton

10. Euphemism 委婉

The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive

Eg. sleep with — have sexual intercourse with; departed — dead;

relieve oneself — urinate

11. Epigram警句, 隽语, 讽刺短诗

A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement

Or: A short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation Eg. "I am not young enough to know everything." (Oscar Wilde)

12. Allusion 隐喻, 典故

A figure of speech that makes a reference to, or representation of, a place, event, literary work, myth, or work of art, either directly or by implication

Eg. A son of the morning is a traveler; an allusion to the practice in the Middle East to rise before dawn so one wouldn't have to travel in the heat of day.

13. Litotes 间接肯定

A figure of speech consisting of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite

Eg. This is no small problem. (Instead of “this is a big problem”)

14. Oxymoron 矛盾形容法,逆喻

A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined Eg. A mournful optimist

15. Paradox似非而是的隽语

A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true Eg. "I know that I know nothing."

(Knowing "know nothing" is knowing something, thus cannot be "know nothing". This logic is self-contradictory, but one can know that they know nothing.) 16. Transferred epithet 移就

A figure of speech in which the adjective or adverb is transferred from the noun it logically belongs with, to another one which fits it grammatically but not logically Eg. A sleepless night (night cannot be sleepless; people can)


17. Metonymy转喻

A figure of speech in which one word or phrase (usually an attribute or feature) is substituted for another with which it is closely associated Eg. They counted heads. (heads stands for people) the White House for the US president

18. Synecdoche提喻

A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole (as hand for sailor), the whole for a part (as the law for police officer), the specific for the general (as cutthroat for assassin), the general for the specific (as thief for pickpocket), or the material for the thing made from it (as steel for sword)

19. Climax层进法

A figure of speech in which words, phrases, or clauses are arranged in order of increasing importance. It is sometimes used with anadiplosis, which uses the repetition of a word or phrase in successive clauses.

Eg. There are three things that will endure: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.

20. Anticlimax突降法

An abrupt declension (either deliberate or unintended) on the part of a speaker or writer from the dignity of idea which he appeared to be aiming at Eg. Die and endow a college or a cat.

21. Alliteration头韵

The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables

Eg. Around the rock the ragged rascal ran.

22. Syllepsis一语双叙法, 兼用法, 轭语法

A construction in which a word governs two or more other words but agrees in number, gender, or case with only one, or has a different meaning when applied to each of the words

Eg. He lost his coat and his temper.

23. Zeugma轭式修饰法(一形容词或动词勉强修饰或支配两个名词)

A construction in which one word or phrase is understood to be related to two or more other words or phrases, while being grammatically consistent with only one of them Eg. To wage war and peace (war can be waged, but peace cannot)

24. Anadiplosis联珠法, 顶真法


cal repetition at the beginning of a phrase of the word or words with which the previous phrase ended

Eg. He is a man of loyalty. Loyalty always firm.


25. Apostrophe呼语intercourse,officer。

The direct address of an absent or imaginary person or of a personified abstraction, especially as a digression in the course of a speech or composition

Eg. "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet)

26. Consonance辅音韵

The repetition of consonants or of a consonant pattern, especially at the ends of words Eg. blank and think strong and string 27. Onomatopoeia拟声

The formation of words whose sound is imitative of the sound of the noise or action designated Eg. hiss, buzz, bang …

28. Zoosemy 拟物法

A metaphor for the way names of animals are used to denote and characterise human qualities and traits of the character Eg. A lucky dog you are!

Cow (a fat, or disagreeable woman) Pig (an ugly, dirty or gluttonous person)

29. Palindrome 回文intercourse,officer。

A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward Eg. A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!

30. Synesthesia 通感

The description of one kind of sense impression by using words that normally describe another Eg. Now is the Winter of our discontent.

31. Antonomasia 换称

the use of a proper name to designate a member of a class Eg. Solomon for a wise ruler Also : the use of an epithet or title in place of a proper name Eg. the Bard for Shakespeare

32. Rhetorical question (不必回答,只为加强语气及效果的)反问

A question to which no answer is expected, often used for rhetorical effect Eg. Who knows? If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?


2) there isn’t much they can gain by remaming 阅读理解

1.The most exciting kind of ... hostile CADCA 2.The case for college has ...

BCCAA 3.British universities . ...

ACDDA 4.What should you think ... ABDDC 5.If you know exactly what ...

CBAAD 6.Like find dood,good writing ...

DDBCA 7.Inter in pursuing internationoal...

DDACB 8.Opportunities for rewarding work ...

BBACB 9.Millions of people struggle ... DBACD 10.Disney World ,Florida ,... BCDDC 11.The ture lovers of fairy...

BDDBC 12.Hollywood suggeses glamour,...

DCADA 13.I don’t ever want ... DACDC 14.14.40 years ago the idea of ...

DCDBD 15.Ask yourself : “why am ...

ACABD 16.Another school year will..

DBACB 17.In this world ,the wealthy ...

CADBA 18.The decline in moral ...

DBBAD 19.There are many reasons....

ADBAC 20.It was a beautiful day for...

ACBDC 21.The estimates of the numbers..

1) those who educate their children at home instead of sending them to school 3) home schooling is superior

and ,therefore,they will not easily give in 4) devotion to religion

5) public schools cannot provide an education that is good enough for their childern . 22.A is for always getting to work on time. B is .....

1) the interpersonal relationships within a company

2) able tosell himself and his ideas ,both publicly and behind the scenes

3) They feel that office politics involves some manipulative behavior

4) an important factor for career advancement behavior used to pursue one’s own selfinterest in the workplace 5) Mean flattery 23.The frist animated featuer ... 1) broaden that planetary appeal even further.

2)Disney’s own fairy tale past and future 3)in the 1990s

4)the Golden Globe Awards 5)fairy tale movies have fallen on hard times 24.Despite slammed doors and a ... 1)the stoical ,can-do attitude and the

indomitable spirit on him . 2)Because his positive parents influenced him

greatly 3)His enthusiasm wasn’t dampened and he

persisted. 4)his perseverance and optimism

5)Bill Porter’s life as a salesman 25.What we are thankful for is important ,

1)Giving is more inportant 2)All of them increase life span .

3)generosity has many positive effects 4)The senstivity we gives people a sense of

value and purpose.


1. The American Petroleum... A.refine 2. Since both .. B.ensue

3. Elvis’ admirers.. A.procession 4. This book deals .. A.ongiong 5. Business hotels are ...A.impelled 6. She changed ..A.gown 7. Now a typical..A.bewilder 8. He appwared..D.outwardly 9. While bank..C.get on with 10. Even though ..B.clarity

11. If education has..A.transformative 12. When people ..A.yearn for 13. This ia vital..A.successive 14. Summer’s quickly..C.fleeting 15. In response..C.sustain

16. Chinese diplomatic..D.intercourse 17. Because American...D.worthwhile 18. A majior..C.ceases

19. When people ...A.charitable 20. I come from..B.denied 21. To develop ..B.spontaneity 22. The ordinary ..A.sheer 23. Poor as he...A.above

24. The standing by 25. __ the advances..B.despite 26. The which 27. __ man can..C.while 28. Success in life 29. No two people ...A.but 30. I felt ...C.when

31. Sarah heard ..D.excluded 32. She turned... C.opposite 33. His music...B.unifies

34. Swimming helps..A.circulating 35. I said..C.literally

36. Herschel was ..D.convinced 37. Some pieces ..D.remnants 38. What a _...A.transformation 39. They were__..B.dressed 40. Shakespeare __..D.present 41. There ia a grate ...C.common 42. My frist ...A.attempt 43. After years of...D.alone 44. He ___out ..C.figured

45. Everyone recognizes...C.characters 46. The harmony...D.regardless of 47. Men who are...C.hanfouts 48. Efforts to ..A.motivations

49. Being out of..B.make ends meet 50. After tom..C.temptayion 51. The Soviter..A.circumstances 52. He wrote ..B.inspiration 53. After a long ..C.obstacles 54. Although off 55. The old man to

56. Many people become..B.conceited 57. He __ a aerious..B.committed 58. Whenever you..A.make it 59. He was too ..B.downfall 60. We should’t..A.worse off 61. The officer ended..A.bribe 62. I was surprised..C.apparently 63. With stars ..D.suspect 64. Freight rates..B.of late 65. Japan is a in 66. I finally ..B.broke

67. No one his senses 68. He watched ..A.flock of 69. The rote 70. Despite 71. It is not big ..B.feel small 72. Today ,as..A.prosperous 73. She never..C.confessed

74. Many matrimonial ..B.thoughtful 75. Silence memory




七年级英语下人教版 Unit4 教案二

Unit 4

One teaching material analysis

1.The teaching point( the phrase remit, phrasing, social intercourse terminology)

shop assistant,doctor,reporter,policeofficer,

waiter,bank clerk ,dangerous,difficult,hospital

What does she do? Where does he work?

What do you want to be?

2.The teaching is a little bit difficult:

1) The Establish the scene.2) contact with actual circumstance mutually.3) At use the high school.

Two, the teaching principle 1.The mission principle 2.Movable sex principle

Three, learn the feeling to analyze four, the teaching target 1.Cognize the target 2.The technical ability target 3.The emotion target 4.Main strategy 5.Cultural strategy

Five, teaching step Pre- task: do some reach.Find some information about jobs.

Compare them, who know many?Ask and answer:

-----What do …do ? does

-----He/ She is … We/ They are …

Groupwork: the Talk about your parents' jobs, then give a report.

The The Lin Lan' s mother is a …Where does a policeman work?

He works in a police station.Where does a policeman work?

He works in a police station.Match:

The Section B presses your comprehension and will work to categorize, and speak the reason.( Allow to choose a kind of)

I think nurse is good for women, because they are kind.Guessing game:

My job is very difficult but interesting. I help people on the court.The If I succeed( success), I' ll get a lot of money. The But if I fail( failure), I get no money.

2.The I am very proud( proud of) of my job. The Because I am like( elephant) your mother. I will tell you what is right or wrong. Usually I am strict.

Pair work: make new ones like this.Interview:

Groupwork:If you are a boss, you need some workers.Write your newspaper want ad. The Unit5 I' m watching TV, teaching material analysis:

1, Content of course: This unit is the Go for it( bottom) Unit 5.Main circumambience" What are you doing?"This topic launches various teaching activity, and carry on the language functions such as general interrogative sentence, the negation sentence and special interrogative sentence etc. of the hour now with this topic derivation.This unit aim is create a relaxed, pleased study, communicate environment, pass to hear, say, read, write to develop the student to synthesize the ability of make use of these knowledges.Also let student the ability is in " do the high school"( the learning by doing), practicing the activity through a limited classroom, noticing the activity of observe the other people, can express in English accurately.

2, the position and the function of the teaching material:

The The Go the for it" the the teaching the material have the an arrange the in order the the characteristics the more and obviously, the that is the the each the unit from the the Section A, the the Section the B and the the Self the Check three the greatest versionses the quickly constitute, the each version the is quick the at the the same time the again from a, b, the the

three the small parts of cs constitute, the contents follow the sequence and advance gradually, matching the student's cognition regulation, the teaching material incorporates text and graphic again, since can draw on the student's attention, and then stir up the student's interest in the study, the each the small C that part medium part is a pairwork again, developping the student's cooperation consciousness, each a small part hears the dint training again, developping the student to hear the ability.3 as within the Section B, the 3 bs fosters the student to read and write the ability again, the usage of the comprehensive language knowledge ability of this unit, appear in this body again.The 3 cs within the Section B are the mission teachings, body now the social intercourse and the function of the language.3、教材的处理:

The According to 《 the English course standard 》 ( the experiment draft) the concrete description the of concerning the the general the index object, the combine this the unit content the of course the of this the part and the owing to the the analysis the of the the teaching material, the I carry the on to the the contents the of this the unit to the handle as follows, the the purpose the is an the outstanding point, the make the classroom rhythm tightly packed, title 贯 .When this unit is divided into four lessons, a hour is a 1 a,1 b within the Section A,1 c,,2 cs), a hour is a 2 as,2 bs,3 as,3 cs within the Section B, a hour is the Section A 4----

Two, teaching target:The basis is above I to the analysis of this unit teaching material contents, I make sure following severalses as the teaching target of this unit:Language knowledge, language technical ability, the study strategy, the emotion attitude and five aspects of the cultural consciousness.

1.Language knowledge: This unit requests the student to control the following phrase to remit( phone, mall, movies, sound, show, boring, library, soccer. watch TV, do homework, eating dinner, talking on the phone)

Language function:The academic association read, writes that a relevant people is in the athletic short composition now. The language structure:( usually the social intercourse terminology) What are you / they doing ? I'm / We're/ They're watching TV.

Is he/ she watching TV? Yes, he/ she is. / No, he/ she isn't.

2.Language technical ability:(1)Various form that can use to carry on now carries on the action that the accurate description and expressions are take place.

(2)Can control to carry on tense and some phrases set that mean the concrete action's match now, such as:watch TV, read books, play soccer, talk with/ to , be boring, go to the movies, want to do sth.Wait.

(3)The ability is within the scope of daily life in fitting comprehend and usage originally the topic of the unit single phrase and the habit terminology.

3, Study the strategy:Pass the teaching of this unit, I request the student and can pass the logic contact of the context internality, or can use to carry on now while observe the other people's behavior and activities express accurately the action that take place or carry on. 4, Emotion attitude:Pass the interest in the mission activity of this unit, my purpose is amity that can develop the classmate get along with, norm own behavior, at the same time ability exaltation their observation ability and the judgment abilities, stir up them rightness the study English and enthusiasms, can take pleasure in copy in social intercourse near to living normal, presume the openings, participate actively, ask actively.

5, Cultural consciousness:Understand how western person is express or action describe

under way.

Three, heavy and difficult point of the teaching:

According to above-mentioned to the analysis of the teaching materials, the teaching point of my unit remits for the phrase, a method of using that matches and carries on now.

Win the structure of the participle of now and read the sound when teaching is a little bit difficult to carry on for now, ability while making use of accurately to carry on now in the social intercourse to describe or action express under way.

Four, teaching method 1, teaching method analysis:intercourse,officer。

(1)Carry on now is a kind of new phrasing item that the student just gets in touch with, but the topic of this unit derives from the life, have a foothold this, I make use of the knowledge and life experiences that student have alreadies well, establish the life to turn of the true scenario( or true scenario of half) guide the student in make use of language the study language, then create an usage of sex language after study new language knowledge.( for use but learn at using the high school, learn and then use)

(2)Open an activity of mission of the exhibition various type, provide space and times that cooperates the exchanges for student, urge the student in order to complete the mission and classmates to carry on the cooperation, for complete the mission to carry on investigating sex study.

2, Learn the feeling analysis:The object of our teaching is one student( with in etc. living for lord) of beginning, they study English since feel very strange and worry, hope to get the affirmation of the others.So I at let them participate as far as possible in the teaching activity to come in the activity, have more opportunities to speak English, reduce they fear the feeling, passing the student of cooperate learning, lower their study difficulty, make them experience personally the successful joy.Take into the implementation in read and written form expression at the same time, improve the ability that they synthesize the usage language, make the students of each layer all have the results.Five, the teaching process design

Step 1 Warming up


(" The good starting point is a half the battle", therefore, I think the ability with a kind of novel salute method or review the way into one section lesson, can arouse the student's interest, make the student keep a kind of aggressive study appearance, or follow the sequence and advance gradually a ground of contents that ducting learn, can lay the foundation successfully for this stanza lesson so, also can give the oneself the appropriate decompression.)

T:We are having an English class now. What are we doing now?

(Help the students to answer: We're having an English class now.)Connecting down the teacher requests a few students to do some actions, letting other students guess in English.( Make the good cushion when purpose carry on now for this stanza lesson) Step 2 Presentation

The teacher posts notice a few pictures, the derivation carries on the structure and the method of using of the hour now.(1)Call a student hint to do the action according to teacher's picture, the teacher says immediately after: T: He/ She is singing now. They are playing football now.

T: What is he/ she doing ? He/ She's playing football now

2) Then call a student do the action, another student ask, carrying on the question and answer practice.

S1: What are you doing now? S2: I'm watching TV. (ect.)


The purpose that design thus is let the student is in the social intercourse scene the feeling appear while carry on of the structure and the method of using.

Step 3 Practice

1. Show some pictures and let the students ask and answer in pairs.

e.g What are you doing ? I am eating. What is he doing ? He is eating.

What are they doing? They're eating..

2. Practice Section A (1a)3. Then call student induce to appear while carry on of structure sentence construction.

Main language+ am/ is/ are+ the now participle of the verb( develop the student to induce the ability, find out the regulation of the memory.)


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