
2020-09-10   来源:英文简历模板


Employment analysis of ordinary graduates

In recent years, due to the rapid enrollment in Chinese universities, a sharp increase appears in the number of college graduates. College students’employment problems will be more severely in comparison with several years before. Even the elite graduates and returnees’employment environment is not optimistic, let alone the ordinary graduates.

The graduates of colleges of China in 2001-2015


1.The current employment situation of college students two institutions in recent years, China's economy has been growing rapidly. Upgrading of industrial structure accelerated, driven by strong demand for college graduates of high human capital. However, due to graduate supply growth exceeds economic growth, the market digested the excess supply of talent will take time. Current students not only difficult employment, careers and the lack of space, which is related to our personnel structure. With the structural changes in China's economic system reform and labor market, a significant change in demand patterns employer occurred. The current financial crisis is not only caused to the low end of the labor market impact has gradually spread to the high-end of the labor market, a number of companies in bankruptcy executives also joined the ranks of re-employment, final year students to become a strong competitor.

Employment Rate of graduates

The above table shows that the number of graduates and the number of unemployed almost always increase every year, and now the situation after six years of increasingly severe.

Therefore, the employment of college students has become a difficult problem concerns the people of the country, many theorists on this issue has been a lot of research, and a number of solutions, but most just generalities, only for all college students, and this group did not conduct a detailed breakdown. However, we all know, domestic institutions focused, non-priority, one, two, three, the specialist division of different levels and different institutions graduates in employment when the actual situation is different. Employment in the same environment, the two college students relative to other graduates of elite institutions, in education, expertise, and reputation as well as school culture at the school are about the same emotion, let alone in the overall employment of university students plight of the environment, the employment situation of non-key university graduates facing particularly acute, we get the following data in surveys of employment difficulties reasons:

The above statistics obtained, 22.6% of students believe that the main difficulty is their own lack of employment, while the remaining 77.4% of the students think that the difficult employment is caused by external factors.

Causes of College Students 2 two difficult employment

Currently, the employment difficulties of Students can be divided into two aspects: First, the students themselves derived from the internal qualities and ideas; the second is derived from the current talent management and personnel training system to use the mechanisms of the external community. The current employment situation is indeed serious, but also not to say that college students two institutions can not be employed, also is a graduate of two universities, but also by virtue of its own strength, it is easy to find people who work and remuneration not thin, there is a such a gap, it is a question of the students themselves. Students' Overall Quality decline in the

prevalence of university graduates in the absence of a solid theoretical foundation of knowledge, the phenomenon of self-discipline and effective and lasting dedication to the community spirit, strong practical ability and good social adaptability. The objective existence of these problems has greatly

weakened the university graduates employment competitiveness, a direct result of their employment difficulties.


2.1 Internal Factors

2.1.1 Missing Students wrong concept of employment and dedication

No matter what college students want their university after graduation to find a relaxed, decent treatment and good work to do, "Exalted." Longing to seize a "iron rice bowl", a graduate will have regular work, in fact, "iron rice bowl" In today's environment, economy and society do not exist, but some idea of college students has not changed. In our survey also found that only 4% of the 12,304 students in the survey of the students are willing to return home, this data also reflects a real problem, and that is the lack of dedication. In tackling the problem of the severe employment

situation, the state has adopted many policies, such as the western region, to support education and other plans, but the number of participants is not so optimistic, reason, or fear of hardships, lack of dedication. And two ordinary student underachievement, plus the so-called question of face care and minimum wage jobs, so that even in the employment rate of vocational students is far less.

The rate of employment of college in comparion with vocational school

vocational college others

Minimum Wage acceptance questionnaire

The survey above shows that most of the 3,000 vocational students starting minimum wage to maintain peace of mind, mostly acceptable, but almost all want to undergraduate minimum wage

standard in the beginning of the more than 4,000. And this is very difficult in the beginning was not realistic.

In contrast, the advantages of higher vocational colleges in these areas is very clear:

① to apply the type of model-based culture, students trained in practical ability, can in a short time to reach the degree of familiarity contact work, loved by the employer.

Innovative approaches ② colleges, identify the entry point for the economy and society, for

practical training catch closely, most of the colleges, in school, training courses and more students, and are rich in social practice teachers lead training; secondly, outside the practice for a long time, entering the community to reduce the psychological discomfort, with a high degree of social adjustments, and greatly improve the experience and ability to adapt.

Most higher vocational colleges ③ "Double Certificates System" in Vocational College Vocational Students are encouraged to test the skills certificate, provide skills training opportunities, and

therefore of vocational students at graduation, in addition to a diploma, usually there are a few skills to the certificate, you can graduate directly posts, which in the job market is very competitive.

④ In modern society, communication with the docking of information is the key to winning. Major Courses close to the community, high professional level segment, personnel training and大学生熬夜的坏处英文版。

development of the social sector posted a tight grip, the relationship between industrial development very closely, such as the scarcity of blue-collar workers in today's society, vocational colleges becomes seize the opportunity to train a large number of blue-collar talent.

⑤ school-enterprise cooperation, expand order training, companies need what kind of talent directly with Higher Colleges for docking, and actively adjust the College professional colleges, cultivate talent needed, the implementation of a good relationship between supply and demand, ensuring high employment signing rate level colleges.

2.1.2 own lack of expertise, lack of practical skills and training

Enrollment of students of University Students of lead quality, the level of training has declined, contemporary graduates were as follows:

First, professional knowledge solid enough, the lack of core competitiveness two institutions with respect for the well-known colleges and universities, although the training mode similar, but the learning culture differences. Two colleges in some students learning attitude is not correct, we do not attach importance to their professional knowledge, learning, and students' individual no

heterogeneity of core competencies, such as organization and coordination skills, communication skills, social resilience.

Second, many graduates lack practical ability is also the ability to stay on the books, thinking, lack the ability to solve practical problems. And the school does not pay attention to students'

practical abilities, the students themselves do not pay attention, resulting in little social contact with graduates, understanding is not enough.

2.1.3 Employment expectations are too high, not enough on their own position

Students on the one hand easy to overestimate their social value, so you can make unrealistic level positioning for their professional positions, on the other hand it is prone to rush to get their higher education costs to an absolute or proportional higher proportion of material rewards. Two such mentality intercourse will inevitably lead to university graduates produced from the psychological high, unrealistic personal and professional expectations. Our principle college

students career orientation and employment areas made a survey in the survey, the following data:

Selection of the area of employment

The above data show that: most graduates are hoping to find a better living conditions, a good salary working in economically developed areas, cities or industry is a popular choice for most graduates, while the western region, the basic units often can not find the right people, we can see that not enough jobs for college students no choice but employment of university students expect too much, unwilling "wronged" themselves. Over-emphasis on wages, strong utilitarian, these ideas directly affect their successful employment. Willing to stay in the economically developed cities, not willing to return home employment. This career orientation to economic benefits, employment areas in the first place, over-emphasis on their diploma, to enhance their value too high, leading organs, institutions, state-owned enterprises candidates gathered, and private enterprises, private enterprises, west, grass-roots rural, hard industry is unable to attract much-needed talent. High

expectations and career outlook and social needs of graduates held contrary, it is an important cause of college students "Employment".

2.1.4 lack of confidence

Low self-esteem is an important reason leading to employment of university students making mistakes. Students easily lose confidence in the face of difficulties at the time to the community. Thus the presence of mental disorder at the time of graduation employment allocation of work, so that they can not get rid of all the mental burden, not a correct understanding of the social,

evaluation of self, not in order to calm the mind, magnanimous of mind, to accept the challenge of employment, capacity Vientiane world, because already system should be established career goals.

2.2 External Factors

2.2.1 The concept of dislocation employer

Some employers conduct employment to be further standardized, there are relations with the selection of people, excessive demand is high, the blind pursuit of elite, highly educated, not from reality according to their own needs to choose, and some units in addition to the basic quality

requirements for graduates with basic skills beyond basic literacy, but also it requires graduates to have some ability posts. And college students just entered the community, it is the lack of practical ability, but also the employer is most needed to provide training platform, which virtually gave

employment of university students more difficult. Individual companies also gender discrimination, for various reasons refused to accept female students, leading to employment of female graduates is relatively difficult.

2.2.2 Causes of Universities

First, the supply and demand dislocation, education and market decoupling. Universities in the professional setting more casual, the lack of investigation and understanding of social needs,

without considering the actual level of the school itself and demands the opening of blind popular professional society, resulting in a duplicate set of professional colleges and universities, lead to saturation of some professionals to increase employment difficulty of the Majors.

Second, to keep up with career guidance, employment channel is not smooth. University graduates are in a critical period and truly entered the community, the community is not very

understanding, their jobs and the future positioning as bewildered and confused, about the need for schools to provide them with career planning, employment help, but the school the presence of






摘要:身为一名大学生,我清楚地知道大学生熬夜已成为一种普遍现象。近年来,高校大学生发生猝死意外的新闻层出不穷。追溯大学生猝死的主要原因,熬夜是第一杀手,是罪魁祸首。血淋淋的案例不停警示年轻人熬夜的危害,为何不少大学生还是对此乐此不疲? 调查方法:以网上问卷的形式,对江苏省主要是徐州市的110位同学随机进行采访。通过QQ、微信、微博等方式完成调查问卷。


关键词:大学生 熬夜 健康


















并且整理出来一系列的问题,根据这 大学生睡觉时间较晚 些问题,我们也找到了一些相应的解


问题二 大学生一星期熬夜天数过多,晚睡觉已经形成一种常态。

根据我们调查结果显示,65%左右的人熬夜天数已经超过了四天,其中27%左右的人熬夜天数为整个星期,可想而知,这样每天过度熬夜会使我们的身体调节系统处于一滞缓状态,更可能导致我们身体各种疾病的出现,如果人的睡眠时间不足,长期以往则会导致身体系统的崩溃,造成不可估量的后果。 问题三 大学生熬夜因为沉迷于网络世界


问题四 熬夜后为同学带来了不可估量的后果


问题五 在大学生生活圈中,集体熬夜很是常见




一 给大学生的一些建议











二 专家给出来的一些建议

(一) 专家建议,在吃晚饭时多吃一些富含维生素或含有胶原蛋白的食物,如水果和肉皮。还可以多吃偏凉性的食物,如瓜类,苹果,小米,薏米等。此外,晚餐应少吃辛辣的食物,同时少喝酒,可以多饮些鲜果汁或豆浆等。



三 给学校的一些建议






1、 作息时间较自由


2、 拖延症较普遍



3、 沉迷于网络游戏、影视作品


4、 社团活动


5、 学习压力大


6、 受周围同学的影响




展开更多 50 %)




















